3D and VLC?

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Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
Posts: 935
Joined: 04 Feb 2006 07:33
VLC version: 3.0.x
Operating System: MacOS X
Location: Montreal, Canada

3D and VLC?

Postby ajmas » 18 Aug 2010 00:54

Has anyone started looking into 3D support in VLC, even if it is in the form of "what if"? I had a quick think about it and some stuff that may be minimum requirements:
- Ability to play back dual video track videos
- Quad buffer video card, to support shutter glasses, though if two projectors are used (each with a different) polarisation, maybe we could simply display each track full screen to separate display devices?
- Some short dual track videos for testing purposes

Also, for a poor man's 3D video maybe we could simply add support for displaying the video using an anaglyph, then all you would need are some red/blue glasses ( and possibly something for the headache ;) ).
Providing logs, messages, configuration info (VLC, OS, Hardware) and a clear explanation of the issue always helps the problem solvers help you, even if they don't end up solving the issue. Just think what you would need if you were solving someone else's problem. Additional: Always looking for eager and capable MacOS X developers to join the VLC team - for more information see here.

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