I want to make my VoD solution and i have some problem on the client side. I use the latest nightly build.
Activex plugin works but the time slider doesn't.
If i play the movie file from the local disk by activex plugin the time slider works correctly and i see the length of the movie and i can seek too.
If i play from the vod server it plays the movie but i can't seek and it doesn't write out the length of the movie.
What should i do to make the time slider works.
My other problem is my clients want to see some part of the movie, they don't want to watch it from the beginning.
I find the addTarget function in the sourcecode.
addTarget( BSTR uri, VARIANT options, enum VLCPlaylistMode mode, int position)
How can i use the position parameter.
How can i add in browser at the MRL field to start playing the movie at the prefered part. (for example at 30 minute)
I hope somebody can help me.
Ps: Sorry if my english is not so good