The latest version .VLC version ?
If you look at the source for any youtube page, they escape the backslashes also. I don't know if they always did, but currently they do, so out of hand I don't know if that's the main problem.I have exactly the same problem. The main thing that looks different to me at first glance is that the slash characters in the source URL in media information are being escaped by backslashes. i.e. "http://www....." becomes "http:\/\/www..." and that would be enough to throw off the URL (so the file cannot be found). Why this happens is a mystery to me. At least I don't remember seeing those backslashes before.
That's the most likely scenario. The only think we can hope for is vlc to change the way it parses and reads URLS from youtube pages, to fix it again.
Maybe youtube changed something ?
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Copyright © 2007-2009 the VideoLAN team
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
-- Helper function to get a parameter's value in a URL
function get_url_param( url, name )
local _, _, res = string.find( url, "[&?]""=([^&]*)" )
return res
function get_arturl( path, video_id )
if string.match( vlc.path, "iurl=" ) then
return vlc.strings( get_url_param( vlc.path, "iurl" ) )
if not arturl then
return ""..video_id.."/default.jpg"
-- Probe function.
function probe()
if vlc.access ~= "http" then
return false
youtube_site = string.match( string.sub( vlc.path, 1, 8 ), "youtube" )
if not youtube_site then
-- FIXME we should be using a builtin list of known youtube websites
-- like "", "" etc..
youtube_site = string.find( vlc.path, "" )
if youtube_site == nil then
return false
return ( string.match( vlc.path, "watch%?v=" ) -- the html page
or string.match( vlc.path, "watch_fullscreen%?video_id=" ) -- the fullscreen page
or string.match( vlc.path, "p.swf" ) -- the (old?) player url
or string.match( vlc.path, "jp.swf" ) -- the (new?) player url (as of 24/08/2007)
or string.match( vlc.path, "player2.swf" ) ) -- another player url
-- Parse function.
function parse()
if string.match( vlc.path, "watch%?v=" )
then -- This is the HTML page's URL
while true do
-- Try to find the video's title
line = vlc.readline()
if not line then break end
if string.match( line, "<meta name=\"title\"" ) then
_,_,name = string.find( line, "content=\"(.-)\"" )
if string.match( line, "<meta name=\"description\"" ) then
-- Don't ask me why they double encode ...
_,_,description = vlc.strings.resolve_xml_special_chars(vlc.strings.resolve_xml_special_chars(string.find( line, "content=\"(.-)\"" )))
if string.match( line, "subscribe_to_user=" ) then
_,_,artist = string.find( line, "subscribe_to_user=([^&]*)" )
-- CURRENT: var swfHTML = (isIE) ? "<object [...]><param name=\"flashvars\" value=\" [...] &video_id=OHVvVmUNBFc [...] &t=OEgsToPDskK3zO44y0QN8Fr5ZSAZwCQp [...]
if string.match( line, "swfHTML" ) and string.match( line, "video_id" ) then
_,_,t = string.find( line, "&t=(.-)&" )
-- OLD 1: var swfArgs = {hl:'en',BASE_YT_URL:'',video_id:'XPJ7d8dq0t8',l:'292',t:'OEgsToPDskLFdOYrrlDm3FQPoQBYaCP1',sk:'0gnr-AE6QZJEZmCMd3lq_AC'};
-- OLD 2: var swfArgs = { "BASE_YT_URL": "", "video_id": "OHVvVmUNBFc", "l": 88, "sk": "WswKuJzDBsdD6oG3IakCXgC", "t": "OEgsToPDskK3zO44y0QN8Fr5ZSAZwCQp", "plid": "AARGnwWMrmGkbpOxAAAA4AT4IAA", "tk": "mEL4E7PqHeaZp5OG19NQThHt9mXJU4PbRTOw6lz9osHi4Hixp7RE1w=="};
-- OLD 3: 'SWF_ARGS': { [a lot of stuff...], "video_id": "OHVvVmUNBFc", "sk": "WswKuJzDBsdD6oG3IakCXgC", "t": "OEgsToPDskK3zO44y0QN8Fr5ZSAZwCQp", "plid": "AARGnwWMrmGkbpOxAAAA4AT4IAA"};
elseif ( string.match( line, "SWF_ARGS" ) or string.match( line, "swfArgs" ) ) and string.match( line, "video_id" ) then
if string.match( line, "BASE_YT_URL" ) then
_,_,base_yt_url = string.find( line, "\"BASE_YT_URL\": \"(.-)\"" )
_,_,t = string.find( line, "\"t\": \"(.-)\"" )
-- vlc.msg.err( t )
-- video_id = string.gsub( line, ".*&video_id:'([^']*)'.*", "%1" )
if name and description and artist --[[and video_id]] then break end
if not video_id then
video_id = get_url_param( vlc.path, "v" )
if not base_yt_url then
base_yt_url = ""
arturl = get_arturl( vlc.path, video_id )
-- fmt is the format of the video: 18 is HQ (mp4)
fmt = get_url_param( vlc.path, "fmt" )
if fmt then
format = "&fmt=" .. fmt
format = ""
if t then
return { { path = base_yt_url .. "get_video?video_id="..video_id.."&t="..t.."&asv="..format; name = name; description = description; artist = artist; arturl = arturl } }
-- This shouldn't happen ... but keep it as a backup.
return { { path = ""..video_id; name = name; description = description; artist = artist; arturl = arturl } }
else -- This is the flash player's URL
if string.match( vlc.path, "title=" ) then
name = get_url_param( vlc.path, "title" )
video_id = get_url_param( vlc.path, "video_id" )
arturl = get_arturl( vlc.path, video_id )
fmt = get_url_param( vlc.path, "fmt" )
if fmt then
format = "&fmt=" .. fmt
format = ""
if not string.match( vlc.path, "t=" ) then
-- This sucks, we're missing "t" which is now mandatory. Let's
-- try using another url
return { { path = ""..video_id; name = name; arturl = arturl } }
return { { path = ""..video_id.."&t="..get_url_param( vlc.path, "t" ).."&asv="..format; name = name; arturl = arturl } }
yeah iv got the latest and still cant watch youtube videos alsoUpdate solves some issues, I presume, but Youtube issue is not one of them (at least not on mac).
who do you think your posting to ? why so arrogant ? wtf is your problem ?For people with vision problems, I will state it a second time in larger letters:
You need to update to VLC 1.1.1-15-gebd7e0c or later.
Obviously, if you have VLC 1.1.1, it is not going to work.
I haven't found it yet either, however, I think you two guys who are being so rude should take that elsewhere.
You probably would've gotten a lot more help if you had nicely asked for a link.
Forum rules
Be polite when posting, and please refrain from using insults or other abusive language.
Don't use ALL CAPITALS EVERYWHERE or very big text or a lot of color in your posting. This is considered to be highly annoying and will most likely result in no one answering you. ... 211e535e66I haven't found it yet either, however, I think you two guys who are being so rude should take that elsewhere.
You probably would've gotten a lot more help if you had nicely asked for a link.
No. My response was to point that out. Then when another two people completely ignored the response (not even bothering to ask clarifications, you know), I wrote the same thing again in larger fonts. And, for those who don't understand version numbers, I even added that, well it is more recent than 1.1.1.What help?
His only reply was to yell that we need to upgrade to some unreleased/non-public version.
Code: Select all
Copyright © 2007-2009 the VideoLAN team
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
-- Helper function to get a parameter's value in a URL
function get_url_param( url, name )
local _, _, res = string.find( url, "[&?]""=([^&]*)" )
return res
function get_arturl( path, video_id )
if string.match( vlc.path, "iurl=" ) then
return vlc.strings( get_url_param( vlc.path, "iurl" ) )
if not arturl then
return ""..video_id.."/default.jpg"
-- Probe function.
function probe()
if vlc.access ~= "http" then
return false
youtube_site = string.match( string.sub( vlc.path, 1, 8 ), "youtube" )
if not youtube_site then
-- FIXME we should be using a builtin list of known youtube websites
-- like "", "" etc..
youtube_site = string.find( vlc.path, "" )
if youtube_site == nil then
return false
return ( string.match( vlc.path, "watch%?v=" ) -- the html page
or string.match( vlc.path, "watch_fullscreen%?video_id=" ) -- the fullscreen page
or string.match( vlc.path, "p.swf" ) -- the (old?) player url
or string.match( vlc.path, "jp.swf" ) -- the (new?) player url (as of 24/08/2007)
or string.match( vlc.path, "player2.swf" ) ) -- another player url
-- Parse function.
function parse()
if string.match( vlc.path, "watch%?v=" )
then -- This is the HTML page's URL
while true do
-- Try to find the video's title
line = vlc.readline()
if not line then break end
if string.match( line, "<meta name=\"title\"" ) then
_,_,name = string.find( line, "content=\"(.-)\"" )
if string.match( line, "<meta name=\"description\"" ) then
-- Don't ask me why they double encode ...
_,_,description = vlc.strings.resolve_xml_special_chars(vlc.strings.resolve_xml_special_chars(string.find( line, "content=\"(.-)\"" )))
if string.match( line, "subscribe_to_user=" ) then
_,_,artist = string.find( line, "subscribe_to_user=([^&]*)" )
-- CURRENT: var swfHTML = (isIE) ? "<object [...]><param name=\"flashvars\" value=\" [...] &video_id=OHVvVmUNBFc [...] &t=OEgsToPDskK3zO44y0QN8Fr5ZSAZwCQp [...]
if string.match( line, "swfHTML" ) and string.match( line, "video_id" ) then
_,_,t = string.find( line, "&t=(.-)&" )
-- OLD 1: var swfArgs = {hl:'en',BASE_YT_URL:'',video_id:'XPJ7d8dq0t8',l:'292',t:'OEgsToPDskLFdOYrrlDm3FQPoQBYaCP1',sk:'0gnr-AE6QZJEZmCMd3lq_AC'};
-- OLD 2: var swfArgs = { "BASE_YT_URL": "", "video_id": "OHVvVmUNBFc", "l": 88, "sk": "WswKuJzDBsdD6oG3IakCXgC", "t": "OEgsToPDskK3zO44y0QN8Fr5ZSAZwCQp", "plid": "AARGnwWMrmGkbpOxAAAA4AT4IAA", "tk": "mEL4E7PqHeaZp5OG19NQThHt9mXJU4PbRTOw6lz9osHi4Hixp7RE1w=="};
-- OLD 3: 'SWF_ARGS': { [a lot of stuff...], "video_id": "OHVvVmUNBFc", "sk": "WswKuJzDBsdD6oG3IakCXgC", "t": "OEgsToPDskK3zO44y0QN8Fr5ZSAZwCQp", "plid": "AARGnwWMrmGkbpOxAAAA4AT4IAA"};
elseif ( string.match( line, "SWF_ARGS" ) or string.match( line, "swfArgs" ) ) and string.match( line, "video_id" ) then
if string.match( line, "BASE_YT_URL" ) then
_,_,base_yt_url = string.find( line, "\"BASE_YT_URL\": \"(.-)\"" )
_,_,t = string.find( line, "\"t\": \"(.-)\"" )
-- vlc.msg.err( t )
-- video_id = string.gsub( line, ".*&video_id:'([^']*)'.*", "%1" )
if name and description and artist --[[and video_id]] then break end
if not video_id then
video_id = get_url_param( vlc.path, "v" )
if not base_yt_url then
base_yt_url = ""
arturl = get_arturl( vlc.path, video_id )
-- fmt is the format of the video: 18 is HQ (mp4)
fmt = get_url_param( vlc.path, "fmt" )
if fmt then
format = "&fmt=" .. fmt
format = ""
if t then
return { { path = base_yt_url .. "get_video?video_id="..video_id.."&t="..t.."&asv="..format; name = name; description = description; artist = artist; arturl = arturl } }
-- This shouldn't happen ... but keep it as a backup.
return { { path = ""..video_id; name = name; description = description; artist = artist; arturl = arturl } }
else -- This is the flash player's URL
if string.match( vlc.path, "title=" ) then
name = get_url_param( vlc.path, "title" )
video_id = get_url_param( vlc.path, "video_id" )
arturl = get_arturl( vlc.path, video_id )
fmt = get_url_param( vlc.path, "fmt" )
if fmt then
format = "&fmt=" .. fmt
format = ""
if not string.match( vlc.path, "t=" ) then
-- This sucks, we're missing "t" which is now mandatory. Let's
-- try using another url
return { { path = ""..video_id; name = name; arturl = arturl } }
return { { path = ""..video_id.."&t="..get_url_param( vlc.path, "t" ).."&asv="..format; name = name; arturl = arturl } }
You can add fmt switchers to the URL:hi, can someone change the youtube.lua code to force VLC to play higher quality videos 480p? thanks
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