yes I did... and problem was not solve...
I also tried to replace libQt4_plugin.dll in 1.1 with a previous version of vlc (1.0.6) and vlc didn't start.
I uninstalled vlc completely, deleted all files I could find after proper unsinstall with option "delete cache" activated. Then reinstall : same problem.
as Blu28 found out on 1.1RC version forum, if I launch directly a video using vlc, application start playing the file with the same error message above. Clicking on the message cause the app to crash.
As I explained on this forum, windows log shows (in french sorry):
Application défaillante vlc.exe, version, horodatage 0x4bfda104, module défaillant libqt4_plugin.dll, version, horodatage 0x4bfda10f, code d’exception 0x40000015, décalage d’erreur 0x000037c2, ID du processus 0x1488, heure de début de l’application 0x01cafd7d768fe937.
I wonder if it can be a pb close to : ... 01052.html ?
thanks for your help!