How to add http stream to web

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How to add http stream to web

Postby Dupl3xx » 18 Jun 2010 23:58

hello, i have some http streams (http://ip:8001, 8002...) and i try add some video player with this stream to web, but dont work for me.. how video player ?

can you help me please, what i must write to php file ? thx

codec: mp4v
resulution: 368/294
fps: 25

PS: i cant change some thing in stream from vlc

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Re: How to add http stream to web

Postby just-do-it » 19 Jun 2010 18:45

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Re: How to add http stream to web

Postby Dupl3xx » 19 Jun 2010 19:59

maybe, but if i paste my stream to this line and press go, do nothog.. and is somewher source code ? thx

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Re: How to add http stream to web

Postby just-do-it » 19 Jun 2010 20:03

try again no - my stream is running - at time of posting
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Re: How to add http stream to web

Postby Dupl3xx » 19 Jun 2010 20:23

it works in internet explorer but in mozilla firefox no ... is somewher this script ?

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Re: How to add http stream to web

Postby just-do-it » 19 Jun 2010 20:41

There are a number of things I fell over on
starting at the beginning I use this batch file to stream the video/audio

Code: Select all

rem stream sky mp4 with transcode to TS on 8080.bat c: cd "program files\videolan\vlc" vlc HTTP:// --loop :sout=#transcode{vcodec=mp2v,vb=254,scale=1,acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=std{a
once this batchfile iis going the stream can be recieved by any pc so long as your isp gives you a fast enough link (>2Mbps) and your firewall is not blocking port 8001

I run a wan, wireless router AND a firewall BOTH of which have to be configued to allow port 8001 to pass through
Last edited by just-do-it on 21 Jun 2010 01:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How to add http stream to web

Postby just-do-it » 19 Jun 2010 20:55 ... /index.htm may help - it covers my efforts to get there
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Re: How to add http stream to web

Postby Dupl3xx » 19 Jun 2010 22:51

nice it work good.. pleas, how to automatic start play ? i must delete MRL line and button go and i want start stream when i go to page... thx

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Re: How to add http stream to web

Postby just-do-it » 20 Jun 2010 15:07

the code for the page came from vlc forums and
a) it has now gone
b) mine starts automatically

here is the code

Code: Select all

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <TITLE>VLC Plugin test page</TITLE> <STYLE> .inputTrackerInput { height:20; width:30; font-family : Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; } </STYLE> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript" src="/blueshoes-4.5/javascript/lib/LibCrossBrowser.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript" src="/blueshoes-4.5/javascript/lib/EventHandler.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript" src="/blueshoes-4.5/javascript/core/form/Bs_FormUtil.lib.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript" src="/blueshoes-4.5/javascript/components/slider/Bs_Slider.class.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT type="text/ecmascript"><!-- function init(){ inputTracker = new Bs_Slider(); inputTracker.attachOnChange(onInputTrackerChange); inputTracker.attachOnSlideStart(onInputTrackerScrollStart); inputTracker.attachOnSlideEnd(onInputTrackerScrollEnd); inputTracker.width = 530 ; inputTracker.height = 15; inputTracker.minVal = 0.0; inputTracker.maxVal = -1.0; inputTracker.valueDefault = 0.0; inputTracker.valueInterval = 1/530; inputTracker.setDisabled(true); inputTracker.imgDir = '/blueshoes-4.5/javascript/components/slider/img/'; inputTracker.setBackgroundImage('aluminumalloyvolcanic/horizontal_background.gif', 'repeat'); inputTracker.setArrowIconLeft('aluminumalloyvolcanic/horizontal_backgroundLeft.gif', 2, 19); inputTracker.setArrowIconRight('aluminumalloyvolcanic/horizontal_backgroundRight.gif', 2, 19); inputTracker.setSliderIcon('aluminumalloyvolcanic/horizontal_knob.gif', 15, 19); inputTracker.useInputField = 0; inputTracker.draw('inputTrackerDiv'); if( navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft Internet")==-1 ) { onVLCPluginReady() } else if( document.readyState == 'complete' ) { onVLCPluginReady(); } else { /* Explorer loads plugins asynchronously */ document.onreadystatechange=function() { if( document.readyState == 'complete' ) { onVLCPluginReady(); } } } } function getVLC(name) { if (window.document[name]) { return window.document[name]; } if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft Internet")==-1) { if (document.embeds && document.embeds[name]) return document.embeds[name]; } else // if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft Internet")!=-1) { return document.getElementById(name); } } function onVLCPluginReady() { updateVolume(0); }; //--></SCRIPT> <BODY onLoad="init();"> <TABLE> <TR><TD colspan="2"> MRL: <INPUT size="90" id="targetTextField" value=""> <INPUT type=submit value="Go" onClick="doGo(document.getElementById('targetTextField').value);"> </TD></TR> <TR><TD align="center" colspan="2"> <!-- Insert VideoLAN.VLCPlugin.2 --> <OBJECT classid="clsid:9BE31822-FDAD-461B-AD51-BE1D1C159921" codebase=",8,6,0" width="320" height="240" id="vlc" events="True"> <param name="MRL" value="" /> <param name="ShowDisplay" value="True" /> <param name="AutoLoop" value="False" /> <param name="AutoPlay" value="True" /> <param name="Volume" value="50" /> <param name="StartTime" value="0" /> <EMBED pluginspage="" type="application/x-vlc-plugin" progid="VideoLAN.VLCPlugin.2" width="320" height="240" name="vlc"> </EMBED> </OBJECT> </TD></TR> <TR><TD colspan="2"> <TABLE><TR> <TD valign="top" width="550"> <!-- Insert Slider widget --> <DIV id="inputTrackerDiv"></DIV> </TD><TD width="15%"> <DIV id="info" style="text-align:center">-:--:--/-:--:--</DIV> </TD> </TR></TABLE> </TD></TR> <TR><TD> <INPUT type=button id="PlayOrPause" value=" Play " disabled onClick='doPlayOrPause();'> <INPUT type=button id="Stop" value="Stop" enabled onClick='doStop();'> &nbsp; <INPUT type=button value=" << " onClick='doPlaySlower();'> <INPUT type=button value=" >> " onClick='doPlayFaster();'> <INPUT type=button value=" <-> " onClick='getVLC("vlc").video.toggleFullscreen();'> AR: <SELECT readonly onChange='doChangeAspectRatio(this.value)'> <OPTION value="default">Default</OPTION> <OPTION value="1:1">1:1</OPTION> <OPTION value="4:3">4:3</OPTION> <OPTION value="16:9">16:9</OPTION> <OPTION value="221:100">221:100</OPTION> <OPTION value="5:4">5:4</OPTION> </SELECT> &nbsp;&nbsp; <INPUT type=button value="Version" onClick='alert(getVLC("vlc").VersionInfo);'> </TD><TD align="right"> <SPAN style="text-align:center">Volume:</SPAN> <INPUT type=button value=" - " onClick='updateVolume(-10)'> <SPAN id="volumeTextField" style="text-align: center">--</SPAN> <INPUT type=button value=" + " onClick='updateVolume(+10)'> <INPUT type=button value="Mute" onClick='getVLC("vlc").audio.toggleMute();'> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <SCRIPT type="text/ecmascript"> <!-- var prevState = 0; var monitorTimerId = 0; var inputTrackerScrolling = false; var inputTrackerIgnoreChange = false; function updateVolume(deltaVol) { var vlc = getVLC("vlc"); += deltaVol; document.getElementById("volumeTextField").innerHTML ="%"; }; function formatTime(timeVal) { var timeHour = Math.round(timeVal / 1000); var timeSec = timeHour % 60; if( timeSec < 10 ) timeSec = '0'+timeSec; timeHour = (timeHour - timeSec)/60; var timeMin = timeHour % 60; if( timeMin < 10 ) timeMin = '0'+timeMin; timeHour = (timeHour - timeMin)/60; if( timeHour > 0 ) return timeHour+":"+timeMin+":"+timeSec; else return timeMin+":"+timeSec; }; function monitor() { var vlc = getVLC("vlc"); if( vlc.log.messages.count > 0 ) { // there is one or more messages in the log var iter = vlc.log.messages.iterator(); while( iter.hasNext ) { var msg =; var msgtype = msg.type.toString(); if( (msg.severity == 1) && (msgtype == "input") ) { alert( msg.message ); } } // clear the log once finished to avoid clogging vlc.log.messages.clear(); } var newState = vlc.input.state; if( prevState != newState ) { if( newState == 0 ) { // current media has stopped onStop(); } else if( newState == 1 ) { // current media is openning/connecting onOpen(); } else if( newState == 2 ) { // current media is buffering data onBuffer(); } else if( newState == 3 ) { // current media is now playing onPlay(); } else if( vlc.input.state == 4 ) { // current media is now paused onPause(); } prevState = newState; } else if( newState == 3 ) { // current media is playing onPlaying(); } if( ! monitorTimerId ) { monitorTimerId = setInterval("monitor()", 1000); } }; /* actions */ var aspectRatio="default"; function doChangeAspectRatio(arValue) { var vlc = getVLC("vlc"); if( vlc.input.state && vlc.input.hasVout ) { = arValue; } aspectRatio = arValue; }; function doGo(targetURL) { var vlc = getVLC("vlc"); var options = new Array(":aspect-ratio="+aspectRatio); vlc.playlist.items.clear(); while( vlc.playlist.items.count > 0 ) { // clear() may return before the playlist has actually been cleared // just wait for it to finish its job } var itemId = vlc.playlist.add(targetURL, null, options); if( itemId != -1 ) { // clear the message log and enable error logging vlc.log.verbosity = 1; vlc.log.messages.clear(); // play MRL vlc.playlist.playItem(itemId); if( monitorTimerId == 0 ) { monitor(); } } else { // disable log vlc.log.verbosity = -1; alert("cannot play at the moment !"); } }; function doPlayOrPause() { var vlc = getVLC("vlc"); if( vlc.playlist.isPlaying ) { vlc.playlist.togglePause(); } else if( vlc.playlist.items.count > 0 ) { // clear the message log and enable error logging vlc.log.verbosity = 1; vlc.log.messages.clear();; monitor(); } else { // disable log vlc.log.verbosity = -1; alert('nothing to play !'); } }; function doStop() { getVLC("vlc").playlist.stop(); if( monitorTimerId != 0 ) { clearInterval(monitorTimerId); monitorTimerId = 0; } onStop(); }; function doPlaySlower() { var vlc = getVLC("vlc"); vlc.input.rate = vlc.input.rate / 2; }; function doPlayFaster() { var vlc = getVLC("vlc"); vlc.input.rate = vlc.input.rate * 2; }; /* events */ function onOpen() { document.getElementById("info").innerHTML = "Opening..."; document.getElementById("PlayOrPause").disabled = true; document.getElementById("Stop").disabled = false; }; function onBuffer() { document.getElementById("info").innerHTML = "Buffering..."; document.getElementById("PlayOrPause").disabled = true; document.getElementById("Stop").disabled = false; }; function onPlay() { document.getElementById("PlayOrPause").value = "Pause"; document.getElementById("PlayOrPause").disabled = false; document.getElementById("Stop").disabled = false; onPlaying(); }; var liveFeedText = new Array("Live", "((Live))", "(( Live ))", "(( Live ))"); var liveFeedRoll = 0; function onPlaying() { if( ! inputTrackerScrolling ) { var vlc = getVLC("vlc"); var info = document.getElementById("info"); var mediaLen = vlc.input.length; inputTrackerIgnoreChange = true; if( mediaLen > 0 ) { // seekable media if( inputTracker.maxVal != 1.0 ) { document.getElementById("PlayOrPause").disabled = false; inputTracker.setDisabled(false); inputTracker.maxVal = 1.0; } inputTracker.setValue(vlc.input.position); info.innerHTML = formatTime(vlc.input.time)+"/"+formatTime(mediaLen); } else { // non-seekable "live" media if( inputTracker.maxVal != 0.0 ) { document.getElementById("PlayOrPause").disabled = true; inputTracker.maxVal = 0.0; inputTracker.setValue(0.0); inputTracker.setDisabled(true); } liveFeedRoll = liveFeedRoll & 3; info.innerHTML = liveFeedText[liveFeedRoll++]; } inputTrackerIgnoreChange = false; } }; function onPause() { document.getElementById("PlayOrPause").value = " Play "; }; function onStop() { var vlc = getVLC("vlc"); // disable logging vlc.log.verbosity = -1; document.getElementById("Stop").disabled = true; if( ! inputTracker.disabled ) { inputTrackerIgnoreChange = true; inputTracker.setValue(0.0); inputTracker.setDisabled(true); inputTracker.maxVal = 0.0; inputTrackerIgnoreChange = false; } document.getElementById("info").innerHTML = "-:--:--/-:--:--"; document.getElementById("PlayOrPause").value = " Play "; document.getElementById("PlayOrPause").disabled = false; }; function onInputTrackerScrollStart() { inputTrackerScrolling = true; }; function onInputTrackerScrollEnd(inputTracker, value, pos) { inputTrackerScrolling = false; }; function onInputTrackerChange(inputTracker, value, pos) { if( ! inputTrackerIgnoreChange ) { var vlc = getVLC("vlc"); if( (vlc.input.state == 3) && (vlc.input.position != value) ) { var info = document.getElementById("info"); vlc.input.position = value; info.innerHTML = formatTime(vlc.input.time)+"/"+formatTime(vlc.input.length); } } }; //--> </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML>
prehaps someone would like to tell us why we should NOT use it...?
Ahh Go on; Go on

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Re: How to add http stream to web

Postby Greg » 20 Jun 2010 23:39

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