Yes. I am using VLC 1.1.0 RC1 on Windows XP.
I am launching the "master" as:
Code: Select all
vlc --control netsync --netsync-master
On the same machine, I am launching the "slave" as:
Code: Select all
vlc --control netsync --netsync-master-ip
I've also tried it with the slave on a different machine, pointing to the master's IP.
I find that in all cases, the videos launch, but they are not synced at all. VLC still shows its controls, and under view menu interface, only console is checked.
How does netsync work? Does it open a port or something?
If I change "--control netsync" to "--intf netsync" then I get the same results, except VLC shows no menu or controls.
I tried the technique mentioned here (which involves multicast) and still had no luck (plus the video didn't show, only audio):
It's still not clear to me, exactly how this is supposed to work. If they are any additional requirements, such as configuring ports, they are not stated in the docs page where I got those command lines.