Question about the interface

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Question about the interface

Postby kazeikan » 08 Jun 2010 16:23

Hi, im new to using VLC, ive used K-Lite and i loved it, but its very poor in being workable, crashes a lot. So ive decided is time to move to a different player and i decided to use VLC.
In the actual performance, its brilliant. Works fast and straight to the point. But im having a few issues.
1. I cant resize the video like in K-Lite. Whenever i open a new video thats larger then my screen (1366x768) it overlaps and such and i cant resize it so that it simply crops to a suitable size, preferably 1280x768, and that the video player touches the outside of the video, not having black sides that take up most of my screen. So how can i change this?

2. The volume is too much. It goes from 0%-200%. To me, its hard to set it to 3%-7% so i have to set it slowly which is a pain. How can i set it from 0%-100%?

3. is it possible for me to have my left click pause/play the video when i click on the video itself like in K-Lite?

4. Does VLC keep a record of videos you have recently played? I prefer easy access to re-watching videos i havent finished yet such as anime.

Thank you.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Question about the interface

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 08 Jun 2010 17:13

1) Crop
2) mousewheeling over the volume?
3) not yet, but it is in the works
4) 10 last videos in Media->Recent items
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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