Segfault with smem module

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Segfault with smem module

Postby wetneb » 30 May 2010 12:59

Yesterday evening on #videolan I talked about a segfault I get with the smem module.

The normal behaviour should be :
1. The prerender callback allocates a buffer with the right size
2. Smem uses memcpy to fill the buffer
3. The postrender callback uses the buffer (and deletes it, if needed)

My code is :

Code: Select all

void StreamPlayer::prepareRender( void* p_audio_data, uint8_t** pp_pcm_buffer , unsigned int size ) { cout << "Prerender" << endl; cout << " pp_pcm_buffer = "; cout << pp_pcm_buffer << endl; cout << " *pp_pcm_buffer = " << flush; cout << *pp_pcm_buffer << endl; // Here I get a segfault. Why ? // This pointer has been passed from another thread, from SendAudio in smem. // I should be able to access to it since I'm supposed to modify it ! (*pp_pcm_buffer) = new uint8_t[size]; // Dummy behaviour : each time, we delete and reallocate, which should take a while cout << "Prerender ended." << endl << endl; } void StreamPlayer::handleStream(void* p_audio_data, uint8_t* p_pcm_buffer, unsigned int channels, unsigned int rate, unsigned int nb_samples, unsigned int bits_per_sample, unsigned int size, int64_t pts ) { cout << "Postrender" << endl; delete p_pcm_buffer; cout << "Postrender ended." << endl << endl; }
Does anybody wrote a code using this module, which runs correctly ?


Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Segfault with smem module

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 30 May 2010 13:06

vlmc does
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Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: Segfault with smem module

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 30 May 2010 14:00

Your code is patently broken. VLC does not initialize the data pointer, since that's the very job of the prerender function. In other words, pp_pcm_buffer is valid (it should point a few byte up the stack), but *pp_pcm_buffer is garbage.

cout << *pp_pcm_buffer << endl; tries to print a string contained at *pp_pcm_buffer, i.e. it will read **pp_pcm_buffer. Since this is a garbage address, it is likely to segfault.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Segfault with smem module

Postby wetneb » 30 May 2010 14:33

*pp_pcm_buffer should have the same value as p_pcm_buffer in the SendAudio function, since pp_pcm_buffer has been initialized with &p_pcm_buffer.
So I should be able to read it.

If I write this code, everything works :
uint16_t *test;
uint16_t **pp = &test;
cout << pp << endl;
cout << *pp << endl;
Or let's remove this line. I still get a segfault when I allocate my memory (in the following line).

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Segfault with smem module

Postby wetneb » 01 Jun 2010 18:47

Here is the code used by VLMC :

Code: Select all

void VideoClipWorkflow::lock( VideoClipWorkflow *cw, void **pp_ret, int size ) { Q_UNUSED( size ); LightVideoFrame* lvf = NULL; cw->m_renderLock->lock(); if ( cw->m_availableBuffers.isEmpty() == true ) { lvf = new LightVideoFrame( cw->m_width, cw->m_height ); } else lvf = cw->m_availableBuffers.dequeue(); cw->m_computedBuffers.enqueue( lvf ); *pp_ret = (*(lvf))->frame.octets; } void VideoClipWorkflow::unlock( VideoClipWorkflow *cw, void *buffer, int width, int height, int bpp, int size, qint64 pts ) { Q_UNUSED( buffer ); Q_UNUSED( width ); Q_UNUSED( height ); Q_UNUSED( bpp ); Q_UNUSED( size ); cw->computePtsDiff( pts ); LightVideoFrame *lvf = cw->m_computedBuffers.last(); (*(lvf))->ptsDiff = cw->m_currentPts - cw->m_previousPts; cw->commonUnlock(); cw->m_renderWaitCond->wakeAll(); cw->m_renderLock->unlock(); }
Maybe I need to use mutexes ? Currently, my code doesn't access to all this data, except from the lock and unlock functions, so I don't see why my code would be responsible for this segfault…

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: Segfault with smem module

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 02 Jun 2010 19:39

I think you're not getting the point. Your code is basically doing this:

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uint8_t *p; // uninitialized uint8_t **pp = &p; // in VLC smem plugin cout << *pp << endl; // in your callback
which is equivalent to this:

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unsigned char *p; // uninitialized cout << p << endl;
but is completely different from this:

Code: Select all

unsigned char *p; // uninitialized cout << (void *)p << endl;
All code snippets are undefined, as they use an undefined value. But the first two snippets try to print a nul-terminated string at the undefined location "p". This expectedly results in a segmentation fault. The third snippet just prints a pointer value, which should result in an hexadecimal number.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Segfault with smem module

Postby wetneb » 02 Jun 2010 20:47

I didn't think that the type of the pointer could be the problem. But now if i add this cast (void*), it doesn't work better.

The first two snippets you gave run well here (actually, the addresses aren't displayed correctly, but there's no segfault at all).
Last edited by wetneb on 02 Jun 2010 21:07, edited 1 time in total.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: Segfault with smem module

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 02 Jun 2010 21:02

The VLC code is correct, otherwise VLMC could not use it. Whether you need to acquire a mutex is dependent on your application, there is no magic yes/no answer.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Segfault with smem module

Postby wetneb » 02 Jun 2010 21:08

Ok, thanks for your help :-) .

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