Hello - I bought a DVD movie "Charlotte's Web" by Walden Media yesterday and when I watched the movie on my netbook I thought the actors' blue skin (they were Caucasians) was supposed to be like that for this particular movie for fun effect - but when I started another chapter in my Stargate SG - 1 DVD movie to do screenshot captures and the faces of the Stargate actors were also blue, I knew something was wrong. I was running VLC 1.0.1 in my netbook under Windows XP.
How can I fix this blue-ing of the actors' skin and get both movies to play back in full color as they should? Here's my VLC color settings (before I uninstalled it and installed VLC 1.0.5, that is) -
And also the video play back isn't as sharp as it was before I played Charlotte's Web last night - as you can see in this screenshot from the video playpack, the play back got a bit more fuzzy - how do I prevent this in future and fix the current situation (after I reinstall VLC, that is)?
Thanks in advance.