dvd decript help

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Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
Posts: 209
Joined: 24 Jan 2009 22:06

dvd decript help

Postby biferi » 10 Apr 2010 21:37

I tryed to Decript my DVDs with these programs

DVD Decripter.
DVD Shrink.

None of them work Handbreak just hangs there and does nothing.

DVD Shrink never does the jub.

DVD Decripter does the jub but the files play skippy and jump.

Is there any other FREE dvd decripters out there that I did not try???????????????

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
Posts: 209
Joined: 24 Jan 2009 22:06

Re: dvd decript help

Postby biferi » 22 Apr 2010 00:34

I looked up a lot of things about the codec H264 AVC and just like you told me it can convert say any file or even VOB to AVi with good quality.

And it can do this with low Bit Rates.

So I tryed using it for VOB to AVi at 8000 kbps and it worked great.

Sould I not go lower then 8000 kbps or does it matter if the video has a lot of FX in it and things goijg on and fast motion??

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