MSN movie title - Request

Feature requests for VLC.
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 15
Joined: 20 Dec 2003 00:40

MSN movie title - Request

Postby R0D » 13 Mar 2005 22:40

I have a request for a plugin for VLC.

The new MSN Messenger 7.0.0632 shows the title of the song or movie you watch in Windows Media player, but I don't use WMP.

I use Winamp for music, and for Winamp one person have make the plugin "Toaster for Winamp 0.7.2" that shows the songtitle from Winamp in MSN.

So my question is, can someone make a plugin that shows the title for a movie from VLC in MSN? Please, it would be a verry good plugin!

I'm not a good programmer myself, but maybe if someone can help me I can do it? Or do it by yourself. I don't care... I wan't it badly. :)

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