Is there any way to realise Active-X Deinterlace in nearest future versions - 1.0.3 or 1.0.4. I need this feature very much.
I have downloaded git:// sources (VLC1.0.x release build) and made some experimental hacking. I added init parameters to add a deinterlace filter, then crosscompiled VLC sources in Ubuntu to get windows .dll binary.
File: projects/activex/plugin.cpp
void VLCPlugin::initVLC()
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--ignore-config";
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--intf=dummy";
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--vout-filter=deinterlace";
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--deinterlace-mode=yadif";
* unregistered old plugin c:> regsvr32.exe /uninstall axvlc.dll
* copied axvlc.dll binary from Linux to an existing VLC installation folder in Windows
* registered new plugin c:> regsvr32.exe axvlc.dll
Deinterlacing works. I do have one big problem, if anyone has something to say I am all here.
If VLC plugin is played in fullscreen and file is completed. VLC plugin does not switch to a windowed mode if option "--vout-filter=deinterlace" was enabled. It stays in fullscreen and is freezed. I must kill IE browser. Compiling a plugin without deinterlace options works fine, vlc is automatically reset to a windowed mode after a file is completed.
Anyone has ideas why deinterlace kills a fullscreen mode and what can be done?
Or anyone knows VLC1.1.x release timetables?