I played around with Nullsoft Streaming Video for a while but haven't done much for several months. I am a guitar teacher and web programmer working on a project called guitarlesson.tv. My own project. I am a little concerned about my encouraging my young students to use winamp when it is such an obvious source of porn. Not that I am against porn but referring a young teen boy to use Winamp and then mom and dad get a look. I'm sure I will lose that student because of pissed off parents.
Some questions about VideoLAN.
I am trying to set up a charge per time connected. Using php I should be able to determing how long someone is connected. But I also want to not allow view from just anyone. Only those who pay the fee of course. Is videoLAN capable of such exclusivity? Also an embedded player would be handy.
Nullsoft's Tom Pepper had a little XML script I tried out one time and you would need a password to connect to the stream.
Anyone have any ideas?