libVLC and RealBasic

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libVLC and RealBasic

Postby danieleq » 24 Feb 2010 23:03


I need to make a program with RealBasic ( running on Linux platform.
This program must be show video, comig from a video capture device, inside
a RB form.
I need to show video, record to mpeg2 file and take snapshot.

I'm evaluating the possibility to use libVLC for that purpose.

My question is, can I call libvlc from a RB application, and show the video
inside an object (maybe a canvas object) into a RB form ?
Can you tell me some informations about this ?

Thanks for your help

Daniele Quaresimin

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Re: libVLC and RealBasic

Postby fkuehne » 25 Feb 2010 12:33

As far as I remember from my RealBasic experience (wow, that's probably 6 years ago now in RB's 4.5 days), you need to create a RealBasic plugin in C which can easily use libvlc's C interface to expose its features to RealBasic. libvlc can draw video using xcb, x11 and OpenGL on Linux. One of those should be supported in the Canvas object. However, I didn't follow RealBasic recent control additions. If an OpenGL view is available nowadays, this is probably what you want to use. There used to be the Quesa engine, which allowed OpenGL drawings within RealBasic. Creating a working video output is probably the hardest part here. Taking snapshots and converting stuff is a matter of calling a few basic functions.

Anyway, you can't use libvlc out of the box as there are only bindings in Python, C, C++, C# and Objective-C right now. Creating a RealBasic plugin shouldn't be hard at all though. If you like to contribute this plugin to our project, you'd be absolutely welcome to do so.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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Re: libVLC and RealBasic

Postby danieleq » 27 Feb 2010 15:56

As far as I remember from my RealBasic experience (wow, that's probably 6 years ago now in RB's 4.5 days), you need to create a RealBasic plugin in C which can easily use libvlc's C interface to expose its features to RealBasic. libvlc can draw video using xcb, x11 and OpenGL on Linux. One of those should be supported in the Canvas object. However, I didn't follow RealBasic recent control additions. If an OpenGL view is available nowadays, this is probably what you want to use. There used to be the Quesa engine, which allowed OpenGL drawings within RealBasic. Creating a working video output is probably the hardest part here. Taking snapshots and converting stuff is a matter of calling a few basic functions.

Anyway, you can't use libvlc out of the box as there are only bindings in Python, C, C++, C# and Objective-C right now. Creating a RealBasic plugin shouldn't be hard at all though. If you like to contribute this plugin to our project, you'd be absolutely welcome to do so.
Hello Felix,

thanks for your information.
Now i will try to improve my knowledge of RealBasic.
I'm a beginner in this language.
If in the future i will be able to make this plug-in,
willingly contribute to your project

Thanks for now.


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