Nothing more came out and the only way to stop VLC from running away and killing my machine was to kill -9 the process.--00:00:42:46.352 4074-- memcheck GC: 65536 nodes, 59624 survivors ( 90.9%)
--00:00:42:46.352 4074-- memcheck GC: increase table size to 131072
--00:00:43:04.114 4074-- memcheck GC: 131072 nodes, 114783 survivors ( 87.5%)
--00:00:43:04.114 4074-- memcheck GC: increase table size to 262144
--00:00:43:40.866 4074-- memcheck GC: 262144 nodes, 228124 survivors ( 87.0%)
--00:00:43:40.866 4074-- memcheck GC: increase table size to 524288
Code: Select all
source /etc/profile
ulimit -v 1048576
Thanks!As a quick fix, to prevent VLC from taking your machine away with it,
Code: Select all
number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
[a whole lot more of this]
number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
m_el[mi_level] == NULL
arrrrrrrrrrrrrg Up cannot escape itself
[0x9a91fc8] pulse audio output: No. of Audio Channels: 2
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
Code: Select all
VLC media player 1.0.2 Goldeneye
[0x8b7b140] main libvlc: Start vlc met standaardinterface. Gebruik 'cvlc' om vlc zonder interface te gebruiken.
m_el[mi_level] == NULL
arrrrrrrrrrrrrg Up cannot escape itself
[0x9295318] pulse audio output: No. of Audio Channels: 2
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
Code: Select all
m_el[mi_level] == NULL
arrrrrrrrrrrrrg Up cannot escape itself
[0x9295318] pulse audio output: No. of Audio Channels: 2
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
m_el[mi_level] == NULL
arrrrrrrrrrrrrg Up cannot escape itself
[0x9295318] pulse audio output: No. of Audio Channels: 2
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
[again, a whole lot more of this]
number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
Chippy,It's crashing my entire machine, there's nothing I can do!
Please provide a reliable way to reproduce the problem. There's no way we can fix an unspecified problem (on an old version, need I add).Please devs, please please investigate this! It's crashing my entire machine, there's nothing I can do!
Code: Select all
[0x9c649d0] main input debug: Stream buffering done (325 ms in 25 ms)
[0x9b91f98] pulse audio output: No. of Audio Channels: 6
[0x9bee598] main decoder debug: End of video preroll
[0x9bee598] main decoder debug: Received first picture
[0x9b91f98] pulse audio output debug: Pulse mainloop started
[0x9b91f98] pulse audio output debug: Pulse stream connected
[0x9b91f98] pulse audio output debug: Pulse initialized successfully
[0x9b91f98] pulse audio output debug: Buffer metrics: maxlength=460800, tlength=168192, prebuf=115200, minreq=23040
[0x9b91f98] pulse audio output debug: Using sample spec 'float32le 6ch 48000Hz', channel map 'front-left,front-right,rear-left,rear-right,front-center,lfe'.
[0x9b91f98] pulse audio output debug: Connected to device alsa_output.pci-0000_00_11.5.analog-stereo (0, not suspended).
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: using audio output module "pulse"
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: TIMER module_need() : 155,825 ms - Total 155,825 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 155,825 ms)
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: output 'fl32' 48000 Hz 3F2R/LFE frame=1 samples/24 bytes
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: mixer 'fl32' 48000 Hz 3F2R/LFE frame=1 samples/24 bytes
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: no need for any filter
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: looking for audio mixer module: 3 candidates
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: using audio mixer module "float32_mixer"
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: TIMER module_need() : 13,140 ms - Total 13,140 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 13,140 ms)
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: input 'a52 ' 48000 Hz 3F2R/LFE frame=1536 samples/1792 bytes
[0x9c7f288] main audio filter debug: looking for audio filter module: 1 candidate
[0x9c7f288] scaletempo audio filter warning: bad input or output format
[0x9c7f288] main audio filter warning: no audio filter module matching "scaletempo" could be loaded
[0x9c7f288] main audio filter debug: TIMER module_need() : 12,958 ms - Total 12,958 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 12,958 ms)
[0x9c7f288] main audio filter debug: looking for audio filter module: 1 candidate
[0x9c7f288] scaletempo audio filter debug: format: 48000 rate, 6 nch, 4 bps, fl32
[0x9c7f288] scaletempo audio filter debug: params: 30 stride, 0,200 overlap, 14 search
[0x9c7f288] scaletempo audio filter debug: 1,000 scale, 1440,000 stride_in, 1440 stride_out, 1152 standing, 288 overlap, 672 search, 2400 queue, fl32 mode
[0x9c7f288] main audio filter debug: using audio filter module "scaletempo"
[0x9c7f288] main audio filter debug: TIMER module_need() : 10,734 ms - Total 10,734 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 10,734 ms)
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: filter(s) 'a52 '->'fl32' 48000 Hz->48000 Hz 3F2R/LFE->3F2R/LFE
[0x9b4a6b0] main audio output debug: looking for audio filter module: 24 candidates
[0x9b4a6b0] main audio output debug: using audio filter module "a52tofloat32"
[0x9b4a6b0] main audio output debug: TIMER module_need() : 5,862 ms - Total 5,862 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 5,862 ms)
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: found a filter for the whole conversion
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: filter(s) 'fl32'->'fl32' 52800 Hz->48000 Hz 3F2R/LFE->3F2R/LFE
[0x9d35ef0] main audio output debug: looking for audio filter module: 24 candidates
[0x9d35ef0] main audio output debug: using audio filter module "bandlimited_resampler"
[0x9d35ef0] main audio output debug: TIMER module_need() : 15,638 ms - Total 15,638 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 15,638 ms)
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: found a filter for the whole conversion
[0x9bedd78] main decoder debug: End of audio preroll
[0x9c649d0] main input debug: Decoder buffering done in 204 ms
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (-4236), dropping buffer
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (-28912), dropping buffer
[0x9b91f98] pulse audio output debug: Pulse stream started
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (126170)
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (126170), dropping buffer
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: buffer is 94170 late, triggering upsampling
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (46169)
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (150151), dropping buffer
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (40186)
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (166295), dropping buffer
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (48156)
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (158431), dropping buffer
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (126431), dropping buffer
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (46580)
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (156990), dropping buffer
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (132927), dropping buffer
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (44554)
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (133398), dropping buffer
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (21933), playing silence
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (23976), playing silence
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (21354), playing silence
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (20093), playing silence
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (21129), playing silence
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (21529), playing silence
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (20551), playing silence
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (20002), playing silence
[0x9bc9508] xvideo video output debug: leaving fullscreen mode
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (66232 > -18)
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (146232 > -18)
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (26232 > -18)
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (106232 > -18)
[0x9bc9508] xvideo video output debug: entering fullscreen mode
[0x9bc9508] xvideo video output debug: X 1278/1 Y 828/190
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
[0x9bc9508] xvideo video output debug: using XFree Xinerama extension
[0x9bc9508] xvideo video output debug: requested screen number invalid (-1/1)
[0x9bc9508] xvideo video output debug: setting best screen to 0
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (451748 > -28)
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (171748 > -28)
[????????] x11 video output error: X11 request 42.0 failed with error code 8:
BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (166553 > -28)
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (154908 > -23)
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (138517 > -23)
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (128199 > -20)
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (112605 > -17)
header damaged
header damaged
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
header damaged
header damaged
[0x9c649d0] main input debug: control type=1
[0x9c649d0] main input debug: control type=1
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: computed PTS is out of range (1806989), clearing out
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: timing screwed, stopping resampling
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: output PTS is out of range (1815053), clearing out
[0x9bee598] avcodec decoder error: more than 5 seconds of late video -> dropping frame (computer too slow ?)
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (172448), playing silence
header damaged
[0x9bee598] avcodec decoder warning: cannot decode one frame (3378 bytes)
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (20005), playing silence
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (20002), playing silence
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (2401 > -16)
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (20002), playing silence
[0x9b91f98] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (20002), playing silence
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (78940 > -16)
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (38940 > -16)
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (359308)
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (343475), dropping buffer
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (123475), dropping buffer
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: buffer is 103475 late, triggering upsampling
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (11300128)
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (11395436), dropping buffer
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (11355436), dropping buffer
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (7555436), dropping buffer
[0x9bc9508] xvideo video output debug: leaving fullscreen mode
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (7515436), dropping buffer
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (7475436), dropping buffer
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (7455436), dropping buffer
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (7435436), dropping buffer
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (7123436), dropping buffer
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (218719 > -16)
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (178719 > -16)
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (18719 > -16)
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (98719 > -16)
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (58719 > -16)
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (258719 > -16)
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (338719 > -16)
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (298719 > -16)
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (138719 > -16)
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (7115436), dropping buffer
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (30846 > -16)
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (7055436), dropping buffer
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (7035436), dropping buffer
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (6995436), dropping buffer
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (56086 > -15)
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (6963436), dropping buffer
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (59371 > -14)
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (6955436), dropping buffer
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (53854 > -14)
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (6915436), dropping buffer
[0x9bc9508] main video output warning: late picture skipped (61018 > -13)
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (6875436), dropping buffer
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (5115436), dropping buffer
[0x9b91f98] main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (5075436), dropping buffer
header damaged
[0x9c649d0] main input debug: control type=1
Not enough memory
I don't.Don't use the buggy Gtk style for Qt4.
OK I'm not using them.Do not use the Gtk styles for Qt4.
Agreed. In my experience this is perhaps a 60% reliable way to reproduce the problem. I switch between my hardware output sink and a bluez A2DP sink, which I do every !#!#%#%!# night and more often than not this sends my box into never-never land. In short, frobbing around aggressively with the switcher, pulseaudio process, and my physical headphones is a 100% reliable way to trigger the bug. Actually simply running pavucontrol is often enough to trigger the bug if I have a movie paused in the background and some music playing in amarok.If its any help i can reproduce this quite often by having VLC 1.0.5 playing an audio stream and then in Sound Preference->Hardware switching between the device profiles a few times.
I don't doubt it.This [will] turn out to be a bug in the PulseAudio output.
Well under the circumstances I suppose that's good advice, but basically either you run pulseaudio or you don't. Nobody is going to stop using pulse just so they can use vlc -- at least, I sure ain't. Pulse is a pain in the neck and makes me want to scream but sadly, this is a slight improvement over dmix, which was a pain in my arse and made me want to cry. PA does what I need with mplayer and everything else I run, and changing to some other audio multiplexing framework is a pretty big project. So vlc is simply getting gently moved to the side, for now, in my pantheon of media players, until this gets sorted out.The VLC team recommends not using PulseAudio anyway.
Thank you for your hard work on VLC and this problem. I appreciate your efforts, and I assume I speak for the other users in this thread when I say that. I'm sure you can appreciate the inconvenience which this problem is causing us end-users.I found (and fixed) one PulseAudio output plugin leak, when the PulseAudio stream dies unexpectedly (such as if PulseAudio itself dies). But I am afraid this is a different issue. Unfortunately, I have no clue how to reproduce your problem, so I am currently unable to investigate it Any clue would be most welcome.
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