*BUG* VLC exits preemptively

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Blank Cone
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*BUG* VLC exits preemptively

Postby afextwin » 15 Feb 2010 16:59

I have the setting enabled for VLC to quit when it has reached the end of the playlist. BUT...
When I have randomized playlist enabled and the last song in the playlist finishes VLC exits instead of going to the next random song.
*Turning Repeat All on will fix this, but I don't want to listen to the same song twice or have to click next song*

Sorry if this has been mentioned already or if I am posting in the wrong forum.
Version 1.0.5 Goldeneye.

Thank you for your hard work team VLC, been a fan for many years and this is my first "issue" with your product.

edits1&2: "Prefs > Playlist > Play and Exit+Play Files Randomly Forever" are the options I am trying to use.
edit3: To be more clear of what I am trying to accomplish: I would like VLC to play my playlist randomly and only exit after each track has been played. If I have 11 songs in my playlist and song 11 plays first vlc will exit after it is played instead of playing all 11 songs then exiting.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: *BUG* VLC exits preemptively

Postby afextwin » 21 Feb 2010 04:54

*bump* Is this a bug or is this how VLC is supposed to function?

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: *BUG* VLC exits preemptively

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 21 Feb 2010 09:00

You're essentially saying that you want VLC to exit but not to exit. So it should not be surprising that nobody helps you.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: *BUG* VLC exits preemptively

Postby afextwin » 22 Feb 2010 17:48

You're essentially saying that you want VLC to exit but not to exit. So it should not be surprising that nobody helps you.
No, I'm not. You misread what I wrote. I am in fact suprised and you do not need to be so rude, you represent VLC as a developer so don't act like a 1cone troll.

If loop is not set then "random play forever" only plays X files where X is the # of files in the playlist, it does not necesarily play each song once. Also it is not forever as is stated in the preferences but not within the playlist menu (playlist tip popup shows "Random"). So how can I make my playlist play randomly, each item in the list one time only, then exit when it has completed?

p.s. It suprised me very much that this was not brought up by anyone other than myself. This being how broken the playlist's 'random' and 'play and exit' features are.
Last edited by afextwin on 06 Mar 2010 17:15, edited 2 times in total.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: *BUG* VLC exits preemptively

Postby afextwin » 27 Feb 2010 15:22

Bump: Anyone have a solution to this? Will this be fixed in 1.1.0?

Wanted: Random Play + Play and Exit.

Note: Random is not forever, that is what loop is for, random will never play songs forever and I do not know why VLC's prefs state "Random Play Forever" .. J-B, RDC, any dev's or higher ups know why this is?

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: *BUG* VLC exits preemptively

Postby afextwin » 06 Mar 2010 17:13

So I once read somewhere that a mod/dev/important vlc person said to be verbose about bugs.
I'm still not sure why this is being overlooked, why I've had only one response - a very poor one at that.
But I'd like a real answer and not one that says "you're doin' it wrong"

How do I make vlc play my playlist randomly then exit when all songs have been played?
How do I make "random play" play each song only once instead of repeating some tracks and not playing others?


Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: *BUG* VLC exits preemptively

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 06 Mar 2010 17:54

I think nobody understands what your problem is supposed to be.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: *BUG* VLC exits preemptively

Postby afextwin » 06 Mar 2010 18:29

I have explained as many ways as I can. Remi...
Once more, please help. please.
The playlist random play feature does not keep count of which tracks it has or has not played, it only counts the number of items in the playlist and stops playing when it has played the last item in the playlist.
The exit when playlist is complete feature does not keep count of which tracks have or have not been played, it only knows to exit when the last track of the playlist has been played.

I want random play and I want vlc to exit when all the random playlist items have been played, not when the last item (numerically) in the playlist has been played, because with random play enabled sometimes the last song gets played first which causes exit when playlist is complete feature to exit immediately.

Does this make sense to anyone else?
I hope your'e getting a laugh out of this..

edit: Idea: If this cannot be done, can a new feature be implemented? Winamp has the ability to re-order the playlist randomly. Can vlc do this? If so then I could reorder the playlist and enable the exit when playlist is complete feature.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
Posts: 15328
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VLC version: master
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Re: *BUG* VLC exits preemptively

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 06 Mar 2010 18:37

Exiting at the end of the playlist is the way it's supposed to work, regardless of the sorting algorithm.

Keeping track of which items have been played would be confusing. Worse, it is impossible to implement properly, as items may be inserted later.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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New Cone
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Re: *BUG* VLC exits preemptively

Postby 5ynic » 10 Mar 2010 07:10

I have the same issue.
I can see what you're saying Remi - as the playlist can be updated during playback, exit-at-end is impractical.

How about the "shuffle before play" option suggested above?

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