1st of all the shot:
Mizsei Zoltán a.k.a. miqlas have ported the 1.0.4 version to Haiku.
It dows work under Haiku r35331 GCC2hybrid, compiled by GCC4.
Some other shots:
At the moment the output is SDL and the GUI is (of course) Qt, but the actived modules are:
a52tospdif access_mmap adjust alphamask aout_file aout_sdl audio_format audioscrobbler avcodec avformat bandlimited_resampler blend blendbench bluescreen canvas chain clone cmml colorthres converter_float crop croppadd deinterlace dolby_surround_decoder dtstospdif dynamicoverlay equalizer erase extract fake float32_mixer folder gaussianblur gestures gradient grain headphone_channel_mixer hotkeys http i420_rgb_mmx i420_ymga i420_ymga_mmx i420_yuy2 i420_yuy2_mmx i422_i420 i422_yuy2 i422_yuy2_mmx invert libmpeg2 linear_resampler logo magnify marq memcpy3dn memcpymmx memcpymmxext mod mosaic motion motionblur motiondetect mpgatofixed32 mux_ogg noise normvol ogg opengl opengl osd_parser osdmenu param_eq png podcast psychedelic puzzle qt4 rc remoteosd ripple rotate rss rv32 sap scale scaletempo scene screensaver sdl_image sharpen shout showintf signals simple_channel_mixer spatializer spdif_mixer stream_out_raop telnet telx transform unzip visual vmem vorbis vout_sdl wall wave xml yuv yuvp