I've added it to my project, included the vlckit header and all looks ok.
Creation of the videoView does work fine and I get a black viewer in the app. so far so good.
But when i try to init VLCMediaPlayer i get this error in my console and the viewer stays black:
Code: Select all
libvlc has thrown us an error: (null) (/Users/skip/Desktop/vlc2/projects/macosx/framework/Sources/VLCLibrary.m:97 -[VLCLibrary init])
The code I'm using is literally the example code:
Code: Select all
VLCVideoView *videoView = [[VLCVideoView alloc] initWithFrame:[[window contentView] bounds]];
[[window contentView] addSubview:videoView];
[videoView setAutoresizingMask: NSViewHeightSizable|NSViewWidthSizable];
VLCMediaPlayer *player = [[VLCMediaPlayer alloc] initWithVideoView:videoView];
[player setMedia:[VLCMedia mediaWithPath:@"/trailerdl.mp4"]];
[player play];