Postby peaceful_lad » 07 Jan 2010 15:55
Hi monette!
monette, it is actually very simple. obviously you will need VLC Player installed on your PC, and I would recommend that while you are installing VLC make sure you choose "FULL" installation so that the MOzilla plugins get installed as well. and secondly I would recommend you get Mozilla Firefox browser installed as well, then the third step would be find out what is your dreambox IP address, use your remote control to access the SETUP option on your dreambox and then find where the networking details are and find out its IP address. And finally type in the URL: http://<dreambox-IP>
in your Mozilla browser, and you should be able to see your dreambox web interface from which you can view the different channels and there is a feature on there to allow you to watch your dreambox stream. I think this is the easiest and simpliest way. I hope this helps, and if you got lost or confused please write me back and I'll do my best to help you. and I am sure there will be more experienced people than myself who will reply too.
Best wishes & Good Luck Monette!