We are looking for eager and capable MacOS X developers to join the VLC team.
If you believe you are up to the job please present yourself on the developer's mailing list, so that we know who you are and what your skill set is. If you don't have the skill set yourself, but know of a friend who does, please pass on the proposition to them.
While VLC has become a very popular media player on MacOS X, the lack of developers on this side means we are likely to see MacOS X specific bugs and improvements being missed out on. We don't want to see this happen.
update (2010-03-15): If you are interested in developing for VLC, then contributing code is the best thing to do. You can either contribute to the general VLC code base, or to Lunettes (the new UI for MacOS X). Looking through the VLC bug tracker, selecting some simple bugs, fixing them and then contributing the patches to the developer mailing list is the way to go. Code changes speak louder than your experience, since you are providing something people can use, and look at in the context of the project. You need to be willing to take the initiative and to be able to accept criticism of your patches. Assume we always need more contributors.
Lunettes issue tracker: http://github.com/pdherbemont/Glasses/issues
VLC issue tracker: https://trac.videolan.org/vlc/