2 request I would like to say

Feature requests for VLC.
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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2 request I would like to say

Postby vilapupu » 01 Nov 2009 07:05

hi there. well, I have 2 request that I would like to say.
1 is that if the "Record" thing that the VLC media player has, can it make it so it can record the video that is being shown? by that I mean, if there are subtitles in the video that is being watched, then it will record with it, & if the audio speed is 1.04% with no time stretching, then it will record like that. that can come in handy.

2 is that when installing the new update, it should not put the "Remove preferences" thing put ON. should have the "Full" pack thing in there instead. that can cause less problems if you just click next or your mouse somehow double clicks.

Mega Cone Master
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Re: 2 request I would like to say

Postby VLC_help » 01 Nov 2009 13:25

1. Those changes would require transcoding which are more suitable for Media -> Convert/Save...

2. Broken/damaged preferences cause so much issues.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: 2 request I would like to say

Postby vilapupu » 02 Nov 2009 02:33

1. for some reason, I can never get that to work. by that I mean, it does not record the exact format and/or have problems. I can only get the one that has the button "Record" to be able to work.

2. oh. OK. I can understand by that then.

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