[streaming problem] VLC 8.6 vs VLC 1.0 VS XP vs Vista

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 33
Joined: 23 Jul 2007 00:25

[streaming problem] VLC 8.6 vs VLC 1.0 VS XP vs Vista

Postby Drobiazg » 27 Sep 2009 20:32

The problem i see, seems to be Operation-system based, but... i dont know which of the OS is responsible... so move the topic as you think (if needed) :(
I have three servers that are multicast streaming MPEG2 of several surveillance cameras. Anyway just ~12 multicast groups streamed by three ubuntu-based servers (~4 per server).

Everything was ok when the servers were running VLC 8.6. All client`s computers were able to see and join all the ~12 streams.
Then i switched two out of three servers to VLC 1.0. And one server was still running VLC 8.6.

And a problem has appeared:
Client`s computers with Windows XP or Windows 2000 are still able to see all the streams.
But client`s computers with Windows Vista or Windows 7 are able to see alle the streams from VLC 8.6 server and ONLY one RANDOM stream out of ~8 streams from the two servers that are running VLC 1.0.
When i turn off VLC 8.6 server the client`s computers are able to see in SAP Playlist and join only 1 RANDOM stream (out of ~8 that windows XP clients see all the time).

I thought that there might be a problem with IGMP, so i switched my router to use IGMP v3 instead of IGMP v2, but the same happens...

WHAT might be a problem ?
Is it some bug in VLC ?
Anyone has any ideas what to do ? :(

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