Missing extras/contrib/lib/libiconv.la in latest Mac build?

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New Cone
New Cone
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Missing extras/contrib/lib/libiconv.la in latest Mac build?

Postby sharris595 » 05 Sep 2009 05:56


When I try to git the latest source and do a 32-bit build for Leopard (using Xcode 3.1.2), I get the following error:

grep: extras/contrib/lib/libiconv.la: No such file or directory
sed: extras/contrib/lib/libiconv.la: No suc file or directory
libtool: link: extras/contrib/lib/libiconv.la' is not a valid libtool archive

Help! I tried building repeatedly from the latest source to no avail. Something might be missing from the contrib library (19 is what I'm using). I tried both ./configure by itself and ./configure --enable-debug, which is what is documented on the wiki.




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