I am able to send and capture video streams simultaneously on both sides over two PCs on local area network,
but it is unable to do it over internet simultaneously.
Here are the two send and capture commands on two different computers to send and capture stream simultaneously over internet.
on PC-1
vlc.exe --rtp-caching=300 rtp://@:1234
vlc.exe dshow:// --sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=800,fps=10,scale=1,acodec=none}:rtp{dst=x.x.x.x,port=1234,mux=ts}
on PC-2
vlc.exe --rtp-caching=300 rtp://@:1234
vlc.exe dshow:// --sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=800,fps=10,scale=1,acodec=none}:rtp{dst=y.y.y.y,port=1234,mux=ts}
In over internet case, both PCs does see the incoming streams form Wireshark sniffer, but most of time, the __net_Read()
does not get call. I am wondering whether the rtp_thread() (in vls/modules/access/rtp/input.c) is not activated.
If sotp sending stream from PC-1, then on PC-1 is able to capture stream sending from PC-2.
It also works, if sotp sending stream from PC-2, then on PC-2 is able to capture stream sending from PC-1.
Most of time, PC-1 and PC-2 are not able to capture stream if sending stream simultaneously from both PCs.
Or it can only capture on one PC, the other PC does not capture any video if sending stream simultaneously from both PCs.
I tested differernet rtp-caching, vb, fps, port, but it still not able to capture on both side if send simultaneously from both PCs.
There is no problem if both PCs on the local network.
Anyone can help?