Prevent audio track switching?

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New Cone
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Prevent audio track switching?

Postby vfreak » 29 Jul 2009 22:04

Hi Folks.

Does anyone know of a way to prevent VLC switching audio tracks in a playlist?

E.G. Playing a DVD VOB set. English audio on track 2. I have to select track 2 for the first VOB, but then I have to reselect
it each time playback moves to the next VOB file. It's really irritating.

It would be great (not to mention logical) if the audio track selection was saved in the playlist, but it's not presently the case.

I do know about the 'preferred language track' setting, but it's never done anything useful for me. I have it set to 'en',
is that right?

Is there some other setting I've missed?

Thanks in advance. V.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 13
Joined: 30 Aug 2009 05:23

Re: Prevent audio track switching?

Postby john_f » 30 Aug 2009 06:05

I think this might solve your problem:


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