ActiveX, C# and video surveillance system

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ActiveX, C# and video surveillance system

Postby goffle » 13 Aug 2009 12:41


I would like to make an application using VLC.
The aim of this application is to display the webcam video of a first PC on an other PC through internet connection. ( like a video surveillance system )

I use Visual studio 2008 and C# to design it.

I downloaded ActiveX and i sucess to display the webcam on my program using this code :

axVLCPlugin1.addTarget("dshow:// :dshow-vdev=\"\" :dshow-adev=\"none\" :dshow-size=\"\"", Voption, AXVLC.VLCPlaylistMode.VLCPlayListReplaceAndGo, 0);

To send the video, i think so i have to modify the Voption object ??? :


I have to encode the video and the audio

MPEG-1,mp4v dor the video ?
mp3 for the audio ?

code: transcode{vcodec=mp4v,acodec=mp3,....} ?

I have to mux, which mux use ? ( AVI, Ogg, MOV, ASF, MP4....)


I have to send on network

which method is the best ? ( I would like to be on real time ( almost))

UDP Unicast, RTP, HTTP ???

code : :standard{access=rtp,mux=avi ,dst=Client IP } ( i have to specifie the port number ????)

I dont know which are the best choice for my program and how I can implement it. I dont find good exemples or tutorials ..

The client program :

axVLCPlugin1.addTarget(video stream , IP, port mux ???, Voption, AXVLC.VLCPlaylistMode.VLCPlayListReplaceAndGo, 0);

thx for your help ( sorry for my bad english )


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