Multichanell sound volume tuning (like in AC3 filter)

Feature requests for VLC.
New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 29 Aug 2007 16:34

Multichanell sound volume tuning (like in AC3 filter)

Postby Jasmin » 25 Jul 2009 18:34

I have 5.1 speaker system and 5.1 sound sources are never perfect.
Speaker test shows equal sound power between front and rear, front and center, but no movie do, even in places where it is supposed.
If I want to really enjoy some movie with 5.1 I have to switch to something like MPC that have access to great AC3 Filter plugin and tune levels there.

Here is a sample, how I see the solution:
Sliders controls preamp of chanells. Sync buttons allows to move two sliders simultaneously.
Meters right to the sliders display dry level of sound, as how they are in source. Lines above meters are peak levels.
As you see from this sample - rear chanells are weaker that front, the record is made so.So, I definitely should pump up rear sliders up.

And access to this tuning should be very close in reach - put it in new tab of "Adjustments and Effects" or a window opened by button on main panel.

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 4
Joined: 05 Aug 2009 09:09

Re: Multichanell sound volume tuning (like in AC3 filter)

Postby kotkoj » 05 Aug 2009 09:26

You might be able to go to your sound card and adjust it there I can but persoally Id like to seee support for external decoders then you could just use AC3 Filter.

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