Postby InoSiX » 14 Jul 2009 13:47
Thanks for the reply. No I'm not wise on the javascript and the works. Do you think this will be worked on in the future? What it's doing now is a good thing, I would just like to have use of really standard features like seeking and track length, and maybe volume control. I dont really care what program does it, but quicktime currently on my x64 bit system runs with a blacked out seek bar to replace the otherwise working and visible bar, and it's really annoying. I hafta guess where everything is. I looked online and there is no fix for this. I think this would be a valid community project, more so than say the Puzzle feature, turning your movie into one of those interactive slider puzzles, which albeit funny to mess with here and there, not really needed. The extra step of downloading the file and opening it manually seems archaic once you've gotten usta having it open automatically in a separate window or tab or something is perferable. Also, with vista x64 I CANNOT uninstall WMP, or so i have read, and i will not open MP3s in the browser. Sorry for the rant.