Subtitles in v0.7.0

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Subtitles in v0.7.0

Postby bizantl » 05 Jan 2004 17:01


I apologize in advance if I got it all wrong.

Anyway. I am using OSX 10.3 and VLC player 0.7.0. When I was using v0.6.2 i could play .sub subtitles with no problem whatsoever. But when I installed v0.7.0, the subtitles would not appear. The subtitle track is disabled from the start, but the situation does not change when I enable them.

Sometimes it happenes that some portion of the text appears, but much to late. For example: text that should appear in the begining of the movie in the 700-th frame appears in the second minute of the movie.

I am playing standard divx movies and use CP1250 text encoding.

Thank you for your answers in advance,


The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 05 Jan 2004 17:27

send them to me, i'll have a look.
hartman at videolan dot org
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Postby bizantl » 06 Jan 2004 15:11

Hi Again.

It look like MiT found an answer to my problem. He posted it in thread called "subtitles broken? (microdvd)"

The problem is in too low default frame rate. As advised i boosted it up to 25fps and they showed up nice.

But it is not too confortable setting frame rate everytime I try to watch the movie. Is there a way how to set default frame rate to a resonable number?

Thaknks for your answer in advance ant congrats again on great work with VLC.


The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 06 Jan 2004 15:27

OK, i found a bug, that explains why the default isn't 25fps.
I'm gonna hit someones head with a book on coding :D
I don't know who wrote this little part, but it's broken.
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Postby bizantl » 06 Jan 2004 16:09

:D I don't think that violence would solve anything :D

VLC is still great product

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