Frame by Frame jog wheel

Feature requests for VLC.
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Frame by Frame jog wheel

Postby tmeeks » 22 Jun 2009 21:21

On my "wish list" - A Jog Wheel for individual frame examination.

Casio has several digital cameras capable of slow motion photography and, aside from video editing programs, I've not found a player that lets one scroll slowly through the frames for a more detailed examination of the sequences. I would love to see a 'jog wheel' that lets me control the forward/backward motion through the video frames.


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Re: Frame by Frame jog wheel

Postby VLC_help » 22 Jun 2009 21:34

Backward frame by frame is little problematic if you stream video or if the video uses codec that takes advantage of P and B frames.

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Re: Frame by Frame jog wheel

Postby The DJ » 23 Jun 2009 03:29

The 'e' key will do frame by frame forwarding in 1.0.0, but indeed backwards is still not possible.
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Re: Frame by Frame jog wheel

Postby tragicmagic » 10 Nov 2017 22:27

If you install the Jump to time (Previous frame) v2.1 VLC extension and modify the lua script, you can use alt+b and alt+f to move back/forward one frame at a time. ... ent/156396

After installing, change the following two sections of script in the lua file:

jumps = { -- drop-down list
{"1/FPS", "vlcfps"},
{"2 sec", 2},
{"20 sec", 20},
-- {"30 sec", 30},
{"1 min", "1:00"},
{"5 min", "5:00"},
{"10 min", "10:00"},
{"1/2 sec", 0.5},
{"1/x", "reciprocal"},
{"1/23.976", 1/23.976},
{"1/24", 1/24},
{"1/25", 1/25},
{"1/29.97", 1/29.97},
{"1/30", 1/30},
{"1/60", 1/60},


function activate()

Now when you launch a video in VLC, hit alt+i, up-arrow twice (or until you have the Jump to Time extension highlighted in the menu), enter, then you can use alt+b/alt+f to move back/forward one frame at a time.

Someday, when I'm more familiar with VLC extensions, maybe I'll figure out how to enable and launch the extension dialog by default, or with one simple hotkey. But until then, this at least makes the functionality possible, and easy enough to enable/use.

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