Problem with LibVLC events to detect end of playlist M3U

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Problem with LibVLC events to detect end of playlist M3U

Postby SaiyanRiku » 14 Jun 2009 14:13


I'm developping a GTK wrapper for libvlc for another application. (

I have a problem to load playlist (M3U file). When I load one, I detect with event when a subitem is added in the media_list of the main media and I copy these subitem in a queue. When the playlist is finished to be analysed I play the first media in the queue and after the second...

I use the event libvlc_MediaPlayerEndReached to detect the end of the playlist loading, this works but sometimes it doesn't happens (randomly). So i'm wonder if libvlc has a bug, or if this event isn't efficient to detect the end of the playlist loading. In this case, how to detect it?

And I have another question, when the libvlc_MediaPlayerStopped event happen? Because the function to stop the media player send just a libvlc_MediaPlayerEndReached event.

I'm using libvlc 0.9.9a on Ubuntu.

Thank you for you're help.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Problem with LibVLC events to detect end of playlist M3U

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 14 Jun 2009 18:59

Well, can you try with VLC 1.0.0 ?

btw, what is the aim of developping such an application, (except fun)?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Problem with LibVLC events to detect end of playlist M3U

Postby SaiyanRiku » 15 Jun 2009 18:49

Ok, it's seems to work better with VLC 1.0.0 !

In fact, the main goal is to create a widget usable in another application that I'm developping ( But it also allows me to have a layer which support compatibility with VLC 0.8.6 and VLC 0.9.x because lot of people still use VLC 0.8.6 with Ubuntu Hardy.

So I decided to make it separate to be reused by someone who could need this.

Maybe there is a part of fun ^^ !

Thank you !

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