Display problems with downscaling using 1.0.0-rc2

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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 29 May 2009 21:29

Display problems with downscaling using 1.0.0-rc2

Postby dany99 » 29 May 2009 21:39

I used rc1 before, this problem did not appear. I am using Microsoft Vista.

When I watch a movie or tv (I tried with divx and sap service), vertical and horizontal lines appear on the video. These lines are more visible while displaying a downsized image, but they sometimes remain with a zoom of 100% or a little more.
Strange artefact may be seen with smaller zooms. Both artefact and lines cannot be seen in full screen mode.

Edit: Adding OS

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 3
Joined: 29 May 2009 21:29

Re: Display problems with downscaling using 1.0.0-rc2

Postby dany99 » 08 Jun 2009 22:00

This problem disappeared with rc3.

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