-hey all,
This one is "raptor", created for "Goldeneye", but most of it works o.k. w 9x. Surprisingly, this works much better in XP, w "v1.0.0-rc1 latest nightly", than works w any of a dozen or so 'nix compiles (multiple distros) to date.
Goldeneye looks very promising so far, but doesn't play well w skins...yet. Have noticed some features that aren't alluded to by any info I've read, like:
-Starts default gui w its default size...nice!
-Switches betwix 2 video layouts (single window) while playing video. visualizations, or a dvd, seamlessly...very nice!
-Appears more resource conservative...nice!
-new codecs, more options and other mentioned advanced features, which haven't been fully explored yet...fun stuff!
Some problems observed w skins:
-Track title display ($N) appears hardcoded, cannot be optioned w "visible-attributes" like other text displays. This has been there forever, I think.
-Time displays (text) alighment position is different in XP compared to 'nix. Change one, affect the other, optimized for 'nix.
-DVD-play crashes (gui closes) on "stop", XP/linux.
-Zoom is faulty, works much better in 9x, tho corrects w "main layout-switching" to default video aspect-ratio.
-Crash on exit in XP, throws up an "VLC crash reporting" dialog on next start.
-Video-play occasionally hangs in 'nix, exit appears disabled,close from taskbar, recyling the skin-guis or cyling to/from qt-gui may remedy .
-Visualization fails in XP, sometimes fails in 'nix.
This is not a bug report, just a current status of experiences w VLC-1x, am sure most of these issues will be worked out over the near term, If nothing else, at least the default "qt-gui" works well.
I like where VLC-1x is headed, so will likely favor for future skins. Good to see "skin activity" moving forward the past 6 mos, lotta good ideas, interesting creations, great stuff happening.
Well, much to my dismay, this skin is causing problems w VLC. In-depth testing reveals VLC chokes on the second vout, causing "zoom" failure and excessive crashing. An assumed, neat new feature, is a mirage...the apparent, seamless, vout-switching doesn't fly right.
Consequently, "raptor" is being updated, losing the 2nd vout and forcing a seperate "playlist" window. So, the fully integrated skin is on hold, for now...back to a more conventional design.