Setting up sound through EasyCap USB

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Setting up sound through EasyCap USB

Postby KingRemus » 30 Apr 2009 13:29

Ok, I'm trying capture video/audio streams through a EasyCap Video/Audio adapter attached to a Cocoon Sender (sends AV wirelessly from a Transmiter unit (TV) to a Receiver unit (my computer). In VLC I setup the Capture Device as the EasyCap (Video device name) = STK 1150 but i'm not sure what to set the sound too? (audio device name). i don't see EasyCap as an option in the drop down menu? The EasyCap does transmit Video and stereo sound (yellow, red, white cables). I've tried all the options but i cannot get any sound. Video comes through ok, although colours are a bit scrambled (blue faces etc)

Questions, am I doing something fundamentally wrong? OR does VLC not work with EasyCap Adapters?

i have VLC version 0.9.9 and i run Vista 32

Thanks for any help.


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Re: Setting up sound through EasyCap USB

Postby VLC_help » 30 Apr 2009 18:01

If you cannot see the audio capture device in VLC, you cannot use it. There is a feature limitation in VLC Dshow crossbar that might be fixed in future.

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Re: Setting up sound through EasyCap USB

Postby Hibou » 12 May 2009 09:39

There is a bug in the driver shipped with some EasyCap USB devices. This is discussed on the manufacturers WWW site from which you can download the latest drivers eg
EasyCap devices work well with VideoLan. For example, this script can be used to open EasyCap "USB 2861 Device":
C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC>vlc --dshow-vdev="USB 2861 Device" --dshow-size=720x576 --open "dshow://"
PS if you need such devices outside China, see:

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Re: Setting up sound through EasyCap USB

Postby KingRemus » 12 May 2009 11:54

thanks for responses but I've decided to go with AMCAP instead of VLC.


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New Cone
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Re: Setting up sound through EasyCap USB

Postby Hibou » 13 May 2009 03:18

Fine. But you still need the current EasyCap driver for audio to work. Besides, AMCap costs $29 and puts a nasty bar across still captures until you pay :-) $29 is fairly expensive for a rather old update of what was originally free Microsoft demo code :-)

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