weird error

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weird error

Postby cdrick » 09 May 2009 04:05


when i try to watch an anime doesn't matter what format the anime is in there are blocks showing up on it and you can hardly see whats going on. here are 2 pics what it is actually doing if anyone has any idea let me know thanks.


Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: weird error

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 11 May 2009 01:59

VLC version? OS?
Codec used? resolution?
Computer specs?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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New Cone
New Cone
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Re: weird error

Postby cdrick » 17 May 2009 03:59

VLC version is 0.9.9 OS is windows xp
codic used dvx and one called ccc dont remeber what came up.
Computer specs 160 gb hardrive, video is radon 7500 series and processor is AMD duron.

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