You have to use the JS API (same API as mozilla-plugin, see link1) and play with vlc.playlist.add() like this:
Code: Select all
vlcNode.playlist.add(URL, foonamename, options);
where option is a string like ":start-time=50 :end-time=200" (you can give an Array of string too).
Security checks have been added since VLC 0.9.9, which are still to be accurately configured. Default is to disallow options except if they are known to be safe so it is possible that those options have not yet been tagged as safe. If you have this problem, you will have a security message in logs for each rejected options.
1- you can check the logs using JS API, you can also try to use my mess-test page (link2). I will try to check if it is allowed and propose a patch if it is missing (during the week).
2- you can try VLC 0.9.8a, which is not advised for security reasons (probably bugfixes are corrected since it)
link1: ... d_above.29
link2: ... lugin.html : use the bottom line, bottom-left is the URL and bottom-right are options. Maybe blank options field is unsupported (will lead to "" instead of null). This page print logs.