-I: unknown option or missing mandatory argument `--ignore-config'
Try `-I --help' for more information.
The command line options couldn't be loaded, check that they are valid.
Press the RETURN key to continue...
Unhandled Exception: System.EntryPointNotFoundException: Unable to find an entry
point named 'libvlc_media_new' in DLL 'libvlc'.
at Marx_libvlc_wrapper.Marx_libvlc_media.libvlc_media_new(Marx_libvlc_core_ha
ndle libvlc_core_handle, String mri, libvlc_exception_struct& ex)
at Marx_libvlc_wrapper.Marx_libvlc_media..ctor(Marx_libvlc_core_handle libvlc
_core_handle, String filename, libvlc_exception_struct& ex) in H:\My Files\Data\
My Documents\Downloads\Marx_libvlc_wrapper\Marx_libvlc_wrapper\Marx_libvlc_media
.cs:line 79
at Marx_libvlc_wrapper_test.Program.Main(String[] args) in H:\My Files\Data\M
y Documents\Downloads\Marx_libvlc_wrapper\Marx_libvlc_wrapper_test\Program.cs:li
ne 51
Press any key to continue . . .
try to use set_drawablewhen trying to set_parent.
Code: Select all
// Create new libvlc instance, media instance from file and media player instance from media
string[] argv = new string[] { "--no-video-title-show" };
ex = new libvlc_exception_struct();
exClass = new Marx_libvlc_exception(ref ex);
libvlc_core = new Marx_libvlc_core(argv, ref ex);
libvlc_media = new Marx_libvlc_media(libvlc_core.Handle, link, ref ex);
libvlc_media_player = new Marx_libvlc_media_player(libvlc_media.Handle, ref ex);
// Dispose of media Handle
libvlc_media = null;
libvlc_media_player.audio_set_track(libvlc_media_player.Handle, 1, ref ex); //<====== FAILS HERE. Vista only.
throw new Exception(exClass.get_message(ref ex));
libvlc_media_player.play(ref ex);
_positionTimer.Enabled = true;
throw new Exception(exClass.get_message(ref ex));
Code: Select all
Dim m_standardArgs As New ArrayList(New String() {"--ignore-config", "--no-video-title-show", _
"--vout", "vmem", _
"--vmem-width", "720", _
"--vmem-height", "576", _
"--vmem-pitch", "2880", _
"--vmem-chroma", "RV32", _
"--vmem-lock", Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(delegate_dolock1).ToInt32.ToString, _
"--vmem-unlock", Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(delegate_unlock1).ToInt32.ToString, _
"--vmem-data", ctx_ptr.ToInt32.ToString, _
"--no-plugins-cache", "--plugin-path", dllInstallDirectory & "\plugins"})
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