TS retranslation: VLC does not create PAT, PMT, SDT.

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TS retranslation: VLC does not create PAT, PMT, SDT.

Postby Olvin » 10 Apr 2009 16:30

Hi everybody!
I have a TS (recorded in a file) that has come from sattelite. I am trying to retranslate some of services to IP network with the following command (under Windows):
vlc --programs 1,2 --ts-es-id-pid --sout=#duplicate{dst=std{access=udp{ttl=64},mux=ts,dst=}select="program=1",
dst=std{access=udp{ttl=64},mux=ts,dst=}select="program=2"} test.ts

As I expected, retranslation goes well, I receive services with VLC on another machine. But! Resulting streams contain only audio and video ES. They have no any PSI or SI tables! For example, I very need PAT and PMT (not for VLC, but for hardware receiver which works only with standard compliant TS). Is VLC able to produce these tables and insert them into outging TS? What is the example of command line with appropriate options?

Yes, I read about --sout-ts-muxpmt and --sout-ts-program-pmt options, but they do not work for me at all, here is the example of how I tried to use them:

vlc --programs 1,2 --ts-es-id-pid --sout=#duplicate{dst=std{access=udp{ttl=64},mux=ts{pid-audio=68,pid-video=69,program-pmt=100,muxpmt="68,69"},dst=}select="program=1",
dst=std{access=udp{ttl=64},mux=ts,dst=}select="program=2"} test.ts

Here I tried to add PMT to service #1, but it does not work.

What I am doing wrong?

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Re: TS retranslation: VLC does not create PAT, PMT, SDT.

Postby The DJ » 10 Apr 2009 18:33

version ?
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Re: TS retranslation: VLC does not create PAT, PMT, SDT.

Postby Olvin » 10 Apr 2009 21:04

version ?
Sorry, forgot to notice.
I tried VLC 0.9.8a from official site videolan.org; and from git, retrieved on April 6, 2009 (1.0.0-pre1). There were only one difference: 1.0.0-pre1 multiplexed ALL ES into one TS. As a result - VLC on the client side opened two separate windows, one for each of paired audio/video streams, this thing isn't normal too :(

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Re: TS retranslation: VLC does not create PAT, PMT, SDT.

Postby Olvin » 13 Apr 2009 08:29

Any news on this subject?

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Re: TS retranslation: VLC does not create PAT, PMT, SDT.

Postby The DJ » 14 Apr 2009 16:59

i don't really get it. If there is no PAT/PMT, then i doubt VLC as a client would decode the stream...
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Re: TS retranslation: VLC does not create PAT, PMT, SDT.

Postby Olvin » 26 May 2009 09:56

All needed tables present is source TS (from sattelite), but instance of VLC that acts as a server does not generate them, just audio/video. Client VLC instance just reads TS and gets pairs of audio and video ES (in order of apearence, IMHO) and for each of these pairs VLC opens one window.

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