Playing playlist on web

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Playing playlist on web

Postby isoltechnologies » 02 Apr 2009 13:30

Hi, Everyone
I want to play a playlist over the web but the script takes only a single file and play it. The question i want to ask is how can i play a playlist (e.g playlist.xml) my code is
myvlc = new VLCObject("mymovie", "600", "350");

// load controls
vlc_controls = new VLCcontrols(myvlc);

vlc_controls.onready = function () {
if i provide playlist.xml instead video.wmv it is not playing. with this script i am using VLCcontrols.js file.

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Re: Playing playlist on web

Postby daphatmac » 14 Apr 2009 09:00

Here's something we've been messing around with - it's more of a local playlist thing than an online one, but it may steer you in the right direction:

Code: Select all

<embed type="application/x-vlc-plugin" width="800" height="600" autoplay="no" loop="no" id="vlc"></embed> <script type="text/javascript"> function timer(){ mediatimer = setTimeout("timer()", 500) if (vlc.playlist.isPlaying == false) { //set and play video vlc.playlist.add("videofolder/" + source_playlist[current_media]['content'], "", options); vlc.playlist.add("vlc://quit");; current_video+=1; } if (current_video == source_playlist.length) { current_video = 0; } } var options = new Array(":audio", ":quiet-synchro", ":no-video-title-show"); var vlc = document.getElementById("vlc"); //setup playlist array - can be sourced from file source_playlist = new Array(); source_playlist[0] = new Array(); source_playlist[0]['content'] = "video1.avi"; source_playlist[1] = new Array(); source_playlist[1]['content'] = "video2.avi"; var current_media = 0; timer(); </script>


New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Playing playlist on web

Postby jsmkbunch2000 » 15 Apr 2009 06:34

Hello. I am a noob. I don't know any code or http scripting. I figured out how to run the VlC on one computer and stream it to another computer on VLC (as client) using UDP foramt. I copied the above code to my notepad and saved as html doc. It shows it is waiting for video now, so how to I stream a video to my web browser. I am using firefox on Windows XP Os. Please provide step by step instrux on what to do next to play on my web browser. Thanks

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