Video wall / Data wall question

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Video wall / Data wall question

Postby nilski » 09 Dec 2004 14:49

Currently I am working on a data wall. I have no experience so maybe I can get help from you guys?
The goal is showing a fullscreen movie on 5x3 plasma screens, tilted 90 degrees.

I have 4 Matrox G200MMS cards in a PC. The drivers from Matrox allow you to configure a desktop with up till 16 screens under Windows!

When configuring a Multi Display Setup the DirectX support is no longer applicable.

When I run a movie (quicktime file 480X360) in fullscreen it is not running smoothly, it automatically gives "VLC DirectX Output" (?) and the processor runs at peek performance.
If I choose "Video Output" it will not show fullscreen.

Mobo: Gigabyte GA-7VAX
chipset: VIA KT400
proc: Athlon XP3000+ FSB333
onboard RAID: Promise PDC20276 (ATA133)
mem: 1024MB PC2700
video: Matrox G200MMS (4 of them!)

All with newest firmware

OS / drivers:
Windows XP Pro SP2 (tuned for performance)
newest drivers from Gigabyte, VIA and Matrox

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