VLC on linux

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VLC on linux

Postby Sara » 07 Dec 2004 14:33

I installed the VLC on linux red hat 7.2 then run the command line

vlc rtsp://........ to receive a RTSP stream.

A window of videoLAN was opened displaying - "stream...waiting for"

and the it crashed and I got the error msg - Segmentation fault.

Any ideas?


Postby bubzilla » 08 Dec 2004 17:16


i´m also trying to install the vlc-system to use video on demand!

maby you can help me!
Did you just use the vlc software as a client an some kind of webserver like apache ? or do you use also a vlc to simulate the server.
this is what i want to.

but im not getting any signal.

so, what is the line command you are using, to call the server from the client, is it like:

vlc rtsp://

or do you use a file with the ending .sdp?

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