Sleep Timer

Feature requests for VLC.
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Sleep Timer

Postby maxVPL » 12 Mar 2009 10:37

I like to watch DVDs when I go to sleep. When they end they usually return to the DVD menu, which endlessly loops and often results in a very annoying sound repeat (that never fails to wake me up). Would it be possible to implement a simple sleep timer so that the program will close after x amount of minutes? If this feature already exists in VLC or in a script, I have not been able to locate it.

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Re: Sleep Timer

Postby VLC_help » 12 Mar 2009 15:11

You can create your own script that kills VLC via telnet or RC after certain time.

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Re: Sleep Timer

Postby Ian.Y » 13 Mar 2009 08:46

If you want to shutdown your pc after a set time try RS Somnifero (it's free). If you want VLC to shutdown after playing a film I have no clue :p

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Re: Sleep Timer

Postby ac1dslayer » 04 Apr 2009 08:09


check out my post. within is a autohotkey script that i use and edited to do the exact same thing you want to do. sleep after x amount of minutes of being idle. hope that helps a bit if you have any questions shoot me a pm

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Re: Sleep Timer

Postby eryksun » 02 Nov 2010 18:10

I wrote this little batch file to kill the vlc.exe process after a user set number of minutes (between 1 and 1440). Maybe someone else will find it useful.

Code: Select all

@echo off echo VLC Sleep Timer echo. :setup_timer set /p m= Enter number of minutes [1 to 1440]: set m=%m:,=% if %m% leq 1440 if %m% gtr 0 goto run_timer goto setup_timer :run_timer set /a s=m*60 timeout /T %s% /nobreak taskkill /T /F /im vlc.exe

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