Why are old, but useful, features missing from 0.9.8a?

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Why are old, but useful, features missing from 0.9.8a?

Postby intamin » 12 Mar 2009 22:31


So I desperately need to use audio and subtitle delay all the time because for some reason they never seem to be aligned with video for certain tv shows, etc.

Regardless, in older versions of VLC, it was simple to go to advanced subtitle options when opening a video file with the advanced menu and just enter in a specific number for subtitle delay. I remember it being easy to delay audio in a menu as well.

Now, not only are those input boxes gone, the keywords to delay subs and audio, like sub-delay and audio-desync, don't really work very well, if at all (in the subtitle's case).

Am I missing something here? Why were these useful features removed and replaced with clunky and partially broken substitutes? :/

Truthfully, is there a way to make the subtitle delay work other than using another program to change the timing?


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Re: Why are old, but useful, features missing from 0.9.8a?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 13 Mar 2009 00:34

Ctrl+E, synchronisation tab.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Why are old, but useful, features missing from 0.9.8a?

Postby billermo » 12 Jul 2009 11:27

I'm not sure if this is the same in version 1.0, but I now have 1.0 and located something under TOOLS called Track Synchronisation.

Clicking on it, NOTHING HAPPENS.

It looks like the feature is broken.

Similarly, when typing Ctrl+E, nothing happens.

Further, if you click on Effects and Filters under Tools (which says Ctrl+E next to it in 1.0) again, nothing happens. I'm doubting that you would deliberately put a feature under tools that when clicked on, nothing happens.

These look like bugs.

Developers, if you are seeing different behavior than we users are, can you download a new copy from the same place we are downloading ours and make take a look directly? Before presuming that we're just confused and doing something wrong, please investigate. What I describe above is certain. I've tried it every way possible. Those 2 features under Tools can not be opened in the copy of VLC 1.0 I just downloaded.

If the downloaded version is behaving differently than the copies you have on your own machines, it would make sense that the version available for download might be different, or at least is behaving differently on our machines. There may be bugs that you're not finding on your end, for whatever reason.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Why are old, but useful, features missing from 0.9.8a?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 12 Jul 2009 15:09

THose dialog works fine. Delete preference and cache.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
http://www.jbkempf.com/ - http://www.jbkempf.com/blog/category/Videolan
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