Spyware? Slow computers?

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Spyware? Slow computers?

Postby wsleigh » 06 Dec 2004 01:43

Hi. I need to ask questions before downloading.

Does this program come with spyware? I hate spyware. Other players I have downloaded keep coming with this slimy program called NewDotNet.

Does this program use a lot of memory?

I need a DIVX player that is just the bare essentials. No fancy stuff. I have a slow computer and only really old files work on it. I have gotten my system to 97% of my system resources free and not been able to play a file. I run a 433Mhz with 393mb Ram in Win98

I like the fact that this player will do other file formats too, but can I change the settings so it uses less memory? I usually run a crude visual so more frames per second come in.

Heck! I'd really like to run this is DOS! I never had problems back then!


Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
Posts: 893
Joined: 26 Nov 2003 09:38

Postby Sigmund » 06 Dec 2004 08:45

It does not have any spyware, it is fairly light on memory and fairly cpu efficient, but it does not support any decoding hardware acceleration, so 433 MHz will probably be just too little to decode divx.


try it

Postby thanks » 15 Dec 2004 00:54

it works fine with a celeron 500
good luck

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