PVR-TV channel playlist

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New Cone
New Cone
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PVR-TV channel playlist

Postby aus_Hamburg » 09 Feb 2009 21:44

I've some problems with the playlist for PVR channels.
It's possible to open channels with the right frequency by using

Code: Select all

vlc pvr:// :pvr-frequency=210250
or to open it with playlist/file/add url/pvr and the frequency.

There will be new points in the playlist and it is possible to switch between the frequency.
If I save the playlist and reopen it, it's not possible to switch the frequency again.
The message is:

Code: Select all

Unable to open 'pvr:// :pvr-frequency=210250' Unable to open 'pvr:// :pvr-frequency=196250'
The .m3u-file looks as follow, but how it should look like???

Code: Select all

#EXTM3U #EXTVLCOPT:pvr-device=/dev/video0 #EXTVLCOPT:pvr-radio-device=/dev/radio0 #EXTVLCOPT:pvr-norm=0 #EXTVLCOPT:pvr-frequency=210250 #EXTVLCOPT:pvr-bitrate=-1 pvr:// :pvr-frequency=210250 #EXTVLCOPT:pvr-device=/dev/video0 #EXTVLCOPT:pvr-radio-device=/dev/radio0 #EXTVLCOPT:pvr-norm=0 #EXTVLCOPT:pvr-frequency=196250 #EXTVLCOPT:pvr-bitrate=-1 pvr:// :pvr-frequency=196250
Thank you for any help
aus Hamburg

Rémi Denis-Courmont
Posts: 15336
Joined: 07 Jun 2004 16:01
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Operating System: Linux

Re: PVR-TV channel playlist

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 10 Feb 2009 17:53

Don't put the option as EXTVLCEXT. Try pvr:///dev/video0,norm=0,frequency=210250,bitrate=-1

As for the radio device, you'll need to store it to the configuration or pass it via the command line.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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