A few questions that will help me in my DVD iso playback

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 10
Joined: 16 Oct 2008 16:19

A few questions that will help me in my DVD iso playback

Postby TalesInc » 01 Feb 2009 13:46

firstly, a simple thing. How do I set repeat chapter, of a dvd. Im sorry but i cannot find the option, and I really need some help.

secondly, if I were to chain together a few dvd ISOs, how do I ensure continuous play of the DVDs from one video to the next.
This is my problem, For example video A has ended, and the next video will not play because, video A has transitioned to its DVD main menu where it then stays that way until I do somthing about it. I need to know how do I make a list of dvd videos which can continue on to the next after each ends. Ive heard of somtin like dvdsimple or what not, but I really am not very profound in such technical stuff, Can someone guide me through step by step method or show me to a guide?

thirdly, is there any way where we can have such a playlist? For example I set chapter 2 of DVD A to play and then the next video that plays after this chapter 2 will be the chapter 5 of dvd B. So it means that i can set the different chapters to become playlist items. And also, is there anyway of randoming DVD chapters? SO that I can watch my concert dvds with random sequence for its different perfomances and such?

thank you very much for all those who help me. And for the third feature if there isnt any existing, I would like to know if its a good idea to feature it in the fetaures forums. >< :) XD

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