Videolan turns people blue, like smurfs

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Videolan turns people blue, like smurfs

Postby miogatto » 24 Jan 2009 17:07

Operating system: Vista Ultimate sp1
I use Virtualdub 190, with a video filter called Deshaker 2.4 ( )
After saving the deshaked video in UNCOMPRESSED MODE (big file), I try playing it with VLC
but the video colors are totally scrambled: pink turns blue, white turns pink-white, red turns deep blue...
I noticed that this happens only when using vlc as video player
When I play it using windows media player, or divX player, the video looks correct
The video looks correct also when I import it to Adobe Premiere, so I think
it is a VLC issue, when handling uncompressed files.

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Re: Videolan turns people blue, like smurfs

Postby VLC_help » 24 Jan 2009 19:12

It is fixes in VLC 1.0.0

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