File buffering oddities

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File buffering oddities

Postby Whitman » 19 Jan 2009 11:15

I use a PC connected wirelessly to my network to play video on my TV. I've had to increase the buffer size to stop the video from freezing due to the wireless connection, but the way the buffer is used seems odd.

Take an exagerated large buffer of 5000ms as an example. When starting to play the video it will take 5 seconds for the video to play, understandable as the buffer has to be filled. However, pausing the playback in the middle of the video will take a further 5 seconds while the video is played to the end of the buffer. Then unpausing will take another 5 seconds to refill the buffer before playback resumes.

Would it be possible to change this so that the playback pauses as soon as the pause button is pressed and then resumes from the same place in the buffer, rather than having to play to the end of the buffer and then wait for it to get refilled?

Rémi Denis-Courmont
Posts: 15336
Joined: 07 Jun 2004 16:01
VLC version: master
Operating System: Linux

Re: File buffering oddities

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 19 Jan 2009 20:23

Until version 1.0, pausing is done on the input stream, so yeah, all orders for almost as long as the buffer.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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