VB.net Wrapper for libvlc 0.8.6i: Track Looping

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Joined: 13 Jan 2009 15:05

VB.net Wrapper for libvlc 0.8.6i: Track Looping

Postby jamesw » 13 Jan 2009 15:09

Im an using the following code as a wrapper for libvlc however when a file is played it always loops at the end of the track and help in stopping this would be appreciated.

This is were i think the problem is

Code: Select all

' try init Try ' create instance m_iVlcHandle = VLC_Create If (m_iVlcHandle < 0) Then m_strLastErr = "Failed to create VLC instance" Return False End If ' make init optinons Dim strInitOptions As String() = {"vlc", "--no-one-instance", "--no-loop", "--no-drop-late-frames", "--disable-screensaver"} 'If m_strVlcInstallDir.Length > 0 Then 'strInitOptions(0) = m_strVlcInstallDir & "\vlc" 'End If ' init libvlc Dim errVlcLib As Err = VLC_Init(m_iVlcHandle, strInitOptions.Length, strInitOptions) If (errVlcLib <> Err.Success) Then VLC_Destroy(m_iVlcHandle) m_strLastErr = "Failed to initialise VLC" m_iVlcHandle = -1 Return False End If Catch ex As System.Exception m_strLastErr = "Could not find libvlc" Return False End Try
The full code is at the bottom of the post

Thanks, James W

Code: Select all

Imports System Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports System.Drawing Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Imports Microsoft.Win32 Public Class LibVLC Private m_iVlcHandle As Integer = -1 Private m_wndOutput As Control = Nothing Private m_strVlcInstallDir As String = "" Private m_strLastErr As String = "" Public Enum Err Success = -&H0 NoMem = -&H1 Thread = -&H2 Timeout = -&H3 NoMod = -&HA NoObj = -&H14 BadObj = -&H14 NoVar = -&H1E BadVar = -&H1F Close = -&HFF Generic = -&H29A Execption = -&H3E6 NoInit = -&H3E7 End Enum Enum Mode Insert = &H1 Replace = &H2 Append = &H4 Go = &H8 CheckInsert = &H10 End Enum Enum Pos Close = -&H29A End Enum <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)> _ Public Structure vlc_value_t <FieldOffset(0)> _ Public i_int As Int32 <FieldOffset(0)> _ Public b_bool As Int32 <FieldOffset(0)> _ Public f_float As Single <FieldOffset(0)> _ Public psz_string As IntPtr <FieldOffset(0)> _ Public p_address As IntPtr <FieldOffset(0)> _ Public p_object As IntPtr <FieldOffset(0)> _ Public p_list As IntPtr <FieldOffset(0)> _ Public i_time As Int64 <FieldOffset(0)> _ Public psz_name As IntPtr <FieldOffset(4)> _ Public i_object_id As Int32 End Structure Public Sub New() MyBase.New() m_strVlcInstallDir = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory 'QueryVlcInstallPath() End Sub Public Property VlcInstallDir() As String Get Return m_strVlcInstallDir End Get Set(ByVal Value As String) m_strVlcInstallDir = Value End Set End Property Public ReadOnly Property IsInitialized() As Boolean Get Return (m_iVlcHandle <> -1) End Get End Property Public Property VideoOutput() As Control Get Return m_wndOutput End Get Set(ByVal Value As Control) ' clear old window If (Not (m_wndOutput) Is Nothing) Then RemoveHandler m_wndOutput.Resize, AddressOf Me.wndOutput_Resize m_wndOutput = Nothing If (m_iVlcHandle <> -1) Then SetVariable("drawable", 0) End If End If ' set new m_wndOutput = Value If (Not (m_wndOutput) Is Nothing) Then If (m_iVlcHandle <> -1) Then SetVariable("drawable", m_wndOutput.Handle.ToInt32) End If AddHandler m_wndOutput.Resize, AddressOf Me.wndOutput_Resize wndOutput_Resize(Nothing, Nothing) End If End Set End Property Public ReadOnly Property LastErr() As String Get Return m_strLastErr End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property IsPlaying() As Boolean Get If (m_iVlcHandle = -1) Then m_strLastErr = "LibVlc is not initialzed" Return False End If Try Return VLC_IsPlaying(m_iVlcHandle) Catch ex As Exception m_strLastErr = ex.Message Return False End Try End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property LengthGet() As Integer Get If (m_iVlcHandle = -1) Then m_strLastErr = "LibVlc is not initialzed" Return -1 End If Try Return VLC_LengthGet(m_iVlcHandle) Catch ex As Exception m_strLastErr = ex.Message Return -1 End Try End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property TimeGet() As Integer Get If (m_iVlcHandle = -1) Then m_strLastErr = "LibVlc is not initialzed" Return -1 End If Try Return VLC_TimeGet(m_iVlcHandle) Catch ex As Exception m_strLastErr = ex.Message Return -1 End Try End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property PositionGet() As Single Get If (m_iVlcHandle = -1) Then m_strLastErr = "LibVlc is not initialzed" Return -1 End If Try Return VLC_PositionGet(m_iVlcHandle) Catch ex As Exception m_strLastErr = ex.Message Return -1 End Try End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property VersionInfo() As String Get Return VLC_Version End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property VolumeGet() As Integer Get If (m_iVlcHandle = -1) Then m_strLastErr = "LibVlc is not initialzed" Return -1 End If Try Return VLC_VolumeGet(m_iVlcHandle) Catch ex As Exception m_strLastErr = ex.Message Return -1 End Try End Get End Property Public Property Fullscreen() As Boolean Get Dim iIsFullScreen As Integer = 0 If (GetVariable("fullscreen", iIsFullScreen) = Err.Success) Then If (iIsFullScreen <> 0) Then Return True End If End If Return False End Get Set(ByVal Value As Boolean) Dim iFullScreen As Integer = Value 'TODO: Warning!!!, inline IF is not supported ? SetVariable("fullscreen", iFullScreen) End Set End Property Private Declare Function VLC_Create Lib "libvlc" () As Integer Private Declare Function VLC_Init Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer, ByVal Argc As Integer, ByVal Argv() As String) As Err Private Declare Function VLC_AddIntf Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer, ByVal Name As String, ByVal Block As Boolean, ByVal Play As Boolean) As Err Private Declare Function VLC_Die Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer) As Err Private Overloads Declare Function VLC_Err Lib "libvlc" () As String Private Declare Function VLC_Version Lib "libvlc" () As String Private Declare Function VLC_CleanUp Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer) As Err Private Declare Function VLC_Destroy Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer) As Err Private Declare Function VLC_AddTarget Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer, ByVal Target As String, ByVal Options() As String, ByVal OptionsCount As Integer, ByVal Mode As Integer, ByVal Pos As Integer) As Err Private Declare Function VLC_Play Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer) As Err Private Declare Function VLC_Pause Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer) As Err Private Declare Function VLC_Stop Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer) As Err Private Declare Function VLC_IsPlaying Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer) As Boolean Private Declare Function VLC_PositionGet Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer) As Single Private Declare Function VLC_PositionSet Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer, ByVal Pos As Single) As Single Private Declare Function VLC_TimeGet Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer) As Integer Private Declare Function VLC_TimeSet Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer, ByVal Seconds As Integer, ByVal Relative As Boolean) As Err Private Declare Function VLC_LengthGet Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer) As Integer Private Declare Function VLC_SpeedFaster Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer) As Single Private Declare Function VLC_SpeedSlower Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer) As Single Private Declare Function VLC_PlaylistIndex Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer) As Integer Private Declare Function VLC_PlaylistNumberOfItems Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer) As Integer Private Declare Function VLC_PlaylistNext Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer) As Err Private Declare Function VLC_PlaylistPrev Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer) As Err Private Declare Function VLC_PlaylistClear Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer) As Err Private Declare Function VLC_VolumeSet Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer, ByVal Volume As Integer) As Integer Private Declare Function VLC_VolumeGet Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer) As Integer Private Declare Function VLC_VolumeMute Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer) As Err Private Declare Function VLC_FullScreen Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer) As Err Private Declare Function VLC_VariableType Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer, ByVal Name As String, ByRef iType As Integer) As Err Private Declare Function VLC_VariableSet Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer, ByVal Name As String, ByVal value As vlc_value_t) As Err Private Declare Function VLC_VariableGet Lib "libvlc" (ByVal iVLC As Integer, ByVal Name As String, ByRef value As vlc_value_t) As Err Private Overloads Declare Function VLC_Err Lib "libvlc" (ByVal i_err As Integer) As String Public Sub Dispose() If (m_iVlcHandle <> -1) Then Try VLC_CleanUp(m_iVlcHandle) VLC_Destroy(m_iVlcHandle) VideoOutput = Nothing Catch ex As System.Exception End Try End If m_iVlcHandle = -1 End Sub Public Function Initialize() As Boolean ' check if already initializes If (m_iVlcHandle <> -1) Then Return True End If ' try init Try ' create instance m_iVlcHandle = VLC_Create If (m_iVlcHandle < 0) Then m_strLastErr = "Failed to create VLC instance" Return False End If ' make init optinons Dim strInitOptions As String() = {"vlc", "--no-one-instance", "--no-loop", "--no-drop-late-frames", "--disable-screensaver"} 'If m_strVlcInstallDir.Length > 0 Then 'strInitOptions(0) = m_strVlcInstallDir & "\vlc" 'End If ' init libvlc Dim errVlcLib As Err = VLC_Init(m_iVlcHandle, strInitOptions.Length, strInitOptions) If (errVlcLib <> Err.Success) Then VLC_Destroy(m_iVlcHandle) m_strLastErr = "Failed to initialise VLC" m_iVlcHandle = -1 Return False End If Catch ex As System.Exception m_strLastErr = "Could not find libvlc" Return False End Try ' check output window If (Not (m_wndOutput) Is Nothing) Then SetVariable("drawable", m_wndOutput.Handle.ToInt32) wndOutput_Resize(Nothing, Nothing) End If ' OK Return True End Function Public Overloads Function AddTarget(ByVal Target As String) As Err If (m_iVlcHandle = -1) Then m_strLastErr = "LibVlc is not initialzed" Return Err.NoInit End If Dim enmErr As Err = Err.Success Try enmErr = VLC_AddTarget(m_iVlcHandle, Target, Nothing, 0, CType(Mode.Append, Integer), CType(Pos.Close, Integer)) Catch ex As Exception m_strLastErr = ex.Message Return Err.Execption End Try If (CType(enmErr, Integer) < 0) Then m_strLastErr = VLC_Err(CType(enmErr, Integer)) Return enmErr End If ' OK Return Err.Success End Function Public Overloads Function AddTarget(ByVal Target As String, ByVal Options() As String) As Err If (m_iVlcHandle = -1) Then m_strLastErr = "LibVlc is not initialzed" Return Err.NoInit End If ' check options Dim iOptionsCount As Integer = 0 If (Not (Options) Is Nothing) Then iOptionsCount = Options.Length End If ' add Dim enmErr As Err = Err.Success Try enmErr = VLC_AddTarget(m_iVlcHandle, Target, Options, iOptionsCount, CType(Mode.Append, Integer), CType(Pos.Close, Integer)) Catch ex As Exception m_strLastErr = ex.Message Return Err.Execption End Try If (CType(enmErr, Integer) < 0) Then m_strLastErr = VLC_Err(CType(enmErr, Integer)) Return enmErr End If ' OK Return Err.Success End Function Public Function Play() As Err If (m_iVlcHandle = -1) Then m_strLastErr = "LibVlc is not initialzed" Return Err.NoInit End If Dim enmErr As Err = Err.Success Try enmErr = VLC_Play(m_iVlcHandle) Catch ex As Exception m_strLastErr = ex.Message Return Err.Execption End Try If (CType(enmErr, Integer) < 0) Then m_strLastErr = VLC_Err(CType(enmErr, Integer)) Return enmErr End If ' OK Return Err.Success End Function Public Function Pause() As Err If (m_iVlcHandle = -1) Then m_strLastErr = "LibVlc is not initialzed" Return Err.NoInit End If Dim enmErr As Err = Err.Success Try enmErr = VLC_Pause(m_iVlcHandle) Catch ex As Exception m_strLastErr = ex.Message Return Err.Execption End Try If (CType(enmErr, Integer) < 0) Then m_strLastErr = VLC_Err(CType(enmErr, Integer)) Return enmErr End If ' OK Return Err.Success End Function Public Function VLC_Stop() As Err If (m_iVlcHandle = -1) Then m_strLastErr = "LibVlc is not initialzed" Return Err.NoInit End If Dim enmErr As Err = Err.Success Try enmErr = VLC_Stop(m_iVlcHandle) Catch ex As Exception m_strLastErr = ex.Message Return Err.Execption End Try If (CType(enmErr, Integer) < 0) Then m_strLastErr = VLC_Err(CType(enmErr, Integer)) Return enmErr End If ' OK Return Err.Success End Function Public Function SpeedFaster() As Single If (m_iVlcHandle = -1) Then m_strLastErr = "LibVlc is not initialzed" Return -1 End If Dim enmErr As Err = Err.Success Try Return VLC_SpeedFaster(m_iVlcHandle) Catch ex As Exception m_strLastErr = ex.Message Return -1 End Try End Function Public Function SpeedSlower() As Single If (m_iVlcHandle = -1) Then m_strLastErr = "LibVlc is not initialzed" Return -1 End If Dim enmErr As Err = Err.Success Try Return VLC_SpeedSlower(m_iVlcHandle) Catch ex As Exception m_strLastErr = ex.Message Return -1 End Try End Function Public Function PlaylistNext() As Err If (m_iVlcHandle = -1) Then m_strLastErr = "LibVlc is not initialzed" Return Err.NoInit End If Dim enmErr As Err = Err.Success Try enmErr = VLC_PlaylistNext(m_iVlcHandle) Catch ex As Exception m_strLastErr = ex.Message Return Err.Execption End Try If (CType(enmErr, Integer) < 0) Then m_strLastErr = VLC_Err(CType(enmErr, Integer)) Return enmErr End If ' OK Return Err.Success End Function Public Function PlaylistPrevious() As Err If (m_iVlcHandle = -1) Then m_strLastErr = "LibVlc is not initialzed" Return Err.NoInit End If Dim enmErr As Err = Err.Success Try enmErr = VLC_PlaylistPrev(m_iVlcHandle) Catch ex As Exception m_strLastErr = ex.Message Return Err.Execption End Try If (CType(enmErr, Integer) < 0) Then m_strLastErr = VLC_Err(CType(enmErr, Integer)) Return enmErr End If ' OK Return Err.Success End Function Public Function PlaylistClear() As Err If (m_iVlcHandle = -1) Then m_strLastErr = "LibVlc is not initialzed" Return Err.NoInit End If Dim enmErr As Err = Err.Success Try enmErr = VLC_PlaylistClear(m_iVlcHandle) Catch ex As Exception m_strLastErr = ex.Message Return Err.Execption End Try If (CType(enmErr, Integer) < 0) Then m_strLastErr = VLC_Err(CType(enmErr, Integer)) Return enmErr End If ' OK Return Err.Success End Function Public Function TimeSet(ByVal newPosition As Integer, ByVal bRelative As Boolean) As Err If (m_iVlcHandle = -1) Then m_strLastErr = "LibVlc is not initialzed" Return Err.NoInit End If Dim enmErr As Err = Err.Success Try enmErr = VLC_TimeSet(m_iVlcHandle, newPosition, bRelative) Catch ex As Exception m_strLastErr = ex.Message Return Err.Execption End Try If (CType(enmErr, Integer) < 0) Then m_strLastErr = VLC_Err(CType(enmErr, Integer)) Return enmErr End If ' OK Return Err.Success End Function Public Function PositionSet(ByVal newPosition As Single) As Single If (m_iVlcHandle = -1) Then m_strLastErr = "LibVlc is not initialzed" Return -1 End If Try Return VLC_PositionSet(m_iVlcHandle, newPosition) Catch ex As Exception m_strLastErr = ex.Message Return -1 End Try End Function Public Function VolumeSet(ByVal newVolume As Integer) As Integer If (m_iVlcHandle = -1) Then m_strLastErr = "LibVlc is not initialzed" Return -1 End If Dim enmErr As Err = Err.Success Try Return VLC_VolumeSet(m_iVlcHandle, newVolume) Catch ex As Exception m_strLastErr = ex.Message Return -1 End Try End Function Public Function VolumeMute() As Err If (m_iVlcHandle = -1) Then m_strLastErr = "LibVlc is not initialzed" Return Err.NoInit End If Dim enmErr As Err = Err.Success Try enmErr = VLC_VolumeMute(m_iVlcHandle) Catch ex As Exception m_strLastErr = ex.Message Return Err.Execption End Try If (CType(enmErr, Integer) < 0) Then m_strLastErr = VLC_Err(CType(enmErr, Integer)) Return enmErr End If ' OK Return Err.Success End Function Public Function SetVariable(ByVal strName As String, ByVal Value As Int32) As Err If (m_iVlcHandle = -1) Then m_strLastErr = "LibVlc is not initialzed" Return Err.NoInit End If Dim enmErr As Err = Err.Success Try ' create vlc value Dim val As vlc_value_t = New vlc_value_t val.i_int = Value ' set variable enmErr = VLC_VariableSet(m_iVlcHandle, strName, val) Catch ex As Exception m_strLastErr = ex.Message Return Err.Execption End Try If (CType(enmErr, Integer) < 0) Then m_strLastErr = VLC_Err(CType(enmErr, Integer)) Return enmErr End If ' OK Return Err.Success End Function Public Function GetVariable(ByVal strName As String, ByRef Value As Integer) As Err If (m_iVlcHandle = -1) Then m_strLastErr = "LibVlc is not initialzed" Return Err.NoInit End If Dim enmErr As Err = Err.Success Try ' create vlc value Dim val As vlc_value_t = New vlc_value_t ' set variable enmErr = VLC_VariableGet(m_iVlcHandle, strName, val) Value = val.i_int Catch ex As Exception m_strLastErr = ex.Message Return Err.Execption End Try If (CType(enmErr, Integer) < 0) Then m_strLastErr = VLC_Err(CType(enmErr, Integer)) Return enmErr End If ' OK Return Err.Success End Function Public Function ToggleFullscreen() As Err If (m_iVlcHandle = -1) Then m_strLastErr = "LibVlc is not initialzed" Return Err.NoInit End If Dim enmErr As Err = Err.Success Try enmErr = VLC_FullScreen(m_iVlcHandle) Catch ex As Exception m_strLastErr = ex.Message Return Err.Execption End Try If (CType(enmErr, Integer) < 0) Then m_strLastErr = VLC_Err(CType(enmErr, Integer)) Return enmErr End If ' OK Return Err.Success End Function Public Function PressKey(ByVal strKey As String) As Err If (m_iVlcHandle = -1) Then m_strLastErr = "LibVlc is not initialzed" Return Err.NoInit End If Dim enmErr As Err = Err.Success Try ' create vlc value Dim valKey As vlc_value_t = New vlc_value_t ' get variable enmErr = VLC_VariableGet(m_iVlcHandle, strKey, valKey) If (enmErr = Err.Success) Then ' set pressed enmErr = VLC_VariableSet(m_iVlcHandle, "key-pressed", valKey) End If Catch ex As Exception m_strLastErr = ex.Message Return Err.Execption End Try If (CType(enmErr, Integer) < 0) Then m_strLastErr = VLC_Err(CType(enmErr, Integer)) Return enmErr End If ' OK Return Err.Success End Function Private Function QueryVlcInstallPath() As String ' open registry Dim regkeyVlcInstallPathKey As RegistryKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\VideoLAN\VLC") If (regkeyVlcInstallPathKey Is Nothing) Then Return "" End If 'Return CType(regkeyVlcInstallPathKey.GetValue("InstallDir", ""), String) Return "" End Function Private Sub wndOutput_Resize(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) If (m_iVlcHandle <> -1) Then SetVariable("conf::width", m_wndOutput.ClientRectangle.Width) SetVariable("conf::height", m_wndOutput.ClientRectangle.Height) End If End Sub End Class

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