Crashes using mousewheel as short jump

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Crashes using mousewheel as short jump

Postby miogatto » 15 Dec 2008 19:16

I'm using Windows Vista Ultimate SP1, vlc 0.98.
After resetting to default, I've set these keys:
[mousewheel up=very short jump backward] - and -
[mousewheel down=very short jump forward]

Very, very often, just moving the mousewheel, VLC crashes.
Sometimes the volume indicator comes up (why ?)

Another question: why is not possible to set mousewheel-button as play/stop ?


The mousewheel crash is a very nasty bug.
When I'm showing presentations I cannot reach easily the keyboard.
Therefore, I would like to have the main keys: (forward, backward, pause, play ) very handy
Thank you.

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Re: Crashes using mousewheel as short jump

Postby VLC_help » 15 Dec 2008 20:28

With WMV/ASF files, seeking might cause crashes. Currently VLC always changes volume when you use mouse wheel. In future this should change.

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